Sick and Tired (highlights)



Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2009
I know these last few years have been bad for the VolNation, but one thing I would love to see happen is all the advertising for the Sports shows change. Don't know if it is just me or not but it looks like to me all highlights of other SEC teams show them running over, around and through the Vols. Tired of seeing a Vol 10 yards behind a Gator chasing him down the field.

Hopefully with a new staff and new player attitude and renewed commitment to a good defense we can watch highlights with a smile on faces as we watch a VOL "meet him across the middle". :yes: Can't wait until next Saturday. GO VOLS!!!!!!
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A lot of our problems had to do with poor coaching and fundamentals. I believe this new coaching staff is much improved and you will see that translate to better plays on the field. We will be the 'highlighted' team before too long! :D
That kinda reminds me of the clip in which hershel walker flat out runs over Bill Bates in the open field, saw it a gazillion times.
A lot of our problems had to do with poor coaching and fundamentals. I believe this new coaching staff is much improved and you will see that translate to better plays on the field. We will be the 'highlighted' team before too long! :D

Agree our guys were not in position to make plays. :no:
Part of the reason is who we play every year. SEC teams are shown in a lot of highlights and specifically Alabama due to their NCs and hype and we play them every year etc.

Unfortunately due to the poor performance/coaching they have had plenty to choose from for those teams from us though
Recruiting great players will change all the embarassing highlights of the Vols being run over, around and through.
Hopefully with a new staff and new player attitude and renewed commitment to a good defense we can watch highlights with a smile on faces as we watch a VOL "meet him across the middle". :yes: Can't wait until next Saturday. GO VOLS!!!!!!

The number of highlights Tennessee has given other SEC teams the past few years is sad. Especially last year, we made every offense look like Oregon's. I hate seeing them too, but whoever puts those together would have to make a deliberate and concerted effort not to show highlights against Tennessee everytime.
That was going to be part of my first post but you beat me to it. The other was I am "Sick and Tired" of always hearing comments about Fl, Ga and USCe. I can't wait until we are BACK and are mentioned with the others and no with CANDY and KY. GBO!!!! NOW
This is the truth though. On CSS, ESPN or any broadcast, if they are showing highlights of another SEC team doing well it seems its always against us and there are some pretty nasty highlights of us. I'm talking bad...
While we have given other teams plenty of opportunities to display their best against us over the past few years, there is another element in play here. We are often chosen for highlight reals because our orange jerseys really pop on HD tv's. Some may not remember, but Magnavox used to frequently use UT in their commercials because the orange really showed how great their television displays were.

While it's frustrating now, I'm hoping that as we climb the ladder back to relevancy, our frequent highlights will turn from gettin burned to puttin the smack down on others.
Hopefully, we will give them some NEW clips sooner than later.They know we are coming.We are Tennessee..

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