Silverstein Interviews Raleigh


Ari Silverstein

Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2010
S: Coach Raleigh, and I use the word "Coach" with great amounts of latitude <burp>, tell us about your failures this season.

R: I think that I outthought myself.

S: You think?

R: I think I think.

S: I think not.

R: Got a Twinkie?

S: Try to focus. I have heard you say that the team was "well rounded"

R: I think we are. We can't pitch, ok, and we didn't hit well enough, ok, but we're not far off.

S: Far off from what?

R: 7th place. I can't wait until next year.

S: Why?

R: Food supposed to be better at the cafeterias.

S: :crazy: Baseball, baseball. :blink: Do you believe that you deserve to return as HC?

R: I think I have some great recruits coming in, and I think we will be able to shore up those pitchers. I think (next season) will be a whole different story.

S: With freshmen leading the way?

R: I think so. They'll know all the kewl places to eat.

S: :banghead2: Coach, with exceedingly enormous offense purposefully intended, why not quit and save the university, the players, the fans and yourself another year of immense, unbearable humiliation?

R: I think that Mikey just needs to pay off my 2011 salary.

S: That's it?

R: Or I'll take my severance in Bud Beer and chips. With that liquid cheese stuff on them. :biggrin:

S: Ya' think?

R: Not on an empty tummy. I think, I think I don't
That is some remarkable work, McCleverstein. All of your boyz in the back-seat of the short-bus are gonna be proud of you representin' like that. Did you really refer to yourself in the 3rd person in the thread title? I liked that part the best.
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