I have heard the Duke Crews/ Tyrus Thomas comparisons as well - and Mr. Thomas went high in the last NBA draft. Hopefully, that means good things for Mr. Crews as well.
Looking towards the future recruits, I think some very talented players can be drawn to Knoxville. Coach Pearl is definitely a salesman. Just look at the class coming in, which was pretty well thought of before adding Ramar Smith, and these other guys, besides Ramar, signed before even seeing Tennessee play a game under Coach Pearl.
One thing missing, though, to help recruiting is a few more NCAA tournament appearances, and us advancing to a couple of Sweet 16's. We don't need to string together multiple years without going to the Big Dance.
Other than that, I think Pearl's style of play would interest most young athletes - fast, full-court, & wide-open. Plus, you don't have to be looking over your shoulder for your replacement every time you make a mistake, because turnovers, etc. will happen when you play this way.
Tennessee is also beginning to be at least mentioned as a Top-25 type team. Plus, the SEC is hot right now, with two teams in last year's Final 4. Hopefully, Tennessee will be seen more nationally this year, and in years to come. Most players want to play against top competition, and they wanna be seen.
So, yes, I believe there is a potential to see Vols going high in the NBA draft soon.