Sinn Fein apologises for IRA's 1979 Assassination of Prince Philip's uncle Louis Mountbatten - 24 hours after Duke's funeral


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
  • Louis Mountbatten was killed in 1979 when IRA blew up his yacht in Mullaghmore
  • His 14-year-old grandson and the boatman, 15, were both also killed in the blast
  • Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald said she was sorry it happened and said it was 'heart-breaking', comments which came the day after Prince Philip's funeral
The leader of Ireland's Sinn Fein party has today apologised for the 1979 IRA assassination of Prince Philip's uncle Louis Mountbatten.

The IRA, of which Sinn Fein was once the political wing, killed Philip's uncle and mentor to Prince Charles as part of the decades-long conflict waged between Irish republicans and those who wanted Northern Ireland to remain in British hands.


The leader of Ireland's Sinn Fein party - once the political wing of the IRA - has apologised for the 1979 assassination of Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip's uncle (pictured together in 1965)

Sinn Fein apologies for IRA's 1979 assassination of Prince Philip's uncle Louis Mountbatten | Daily Mail Online
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After all that the Crown has done to the Irish the last 400-500 years I can hardly blame them. Have a hard time feeling sorry for this batch of Royals

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