Smokey vs the Gator


claimjumper steve

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2019
Here's the situation. Bluetick coonhounds are extremely cold-nosed and don't tend to be too trashy. Gators are large smelly creatures that love to roll in dead and fecal matter. I'm sure Smokey can find and corner a gator but should not go in the swamp with him. They like to stuff their victims under a bank and wait for them to rot before they indulge in them. Smokey should bay the gator from afar and let the rest of the vols skin the gator.
Ive seen a pack of hounds tear a bear a new one. Probably could handle a smallish gator no problem if they work as a team. That’s the key though, they gotta work together as a pack.

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