Some Photos From Today's Doubleheader

Awesome photographs! Thank you for sharing. Request permission to send the two of Carter Watson to his mom.
Davis looks like a side arm...

Thanks for all the comments....

Davis is a side arm pitcher and its pretty fun to watch him throw....I think he will be a good one.
Very nice pics! I think I saw you there... I was the short skinny dude with the 200-400mm on a monopod.
Great pics! I do not think I will ever get used to the stupid flat bill caps they wear now in baseball. They are so disgusting 2 look at

Uniforms look good, and from what I saw on the live stream the field looked amazing
Those flatbills are a good look for Daffy Duck. They look like something you would make a rookie wear. Old farts like me will just have to not like them until we get used to seeing athletes look like cartoons. May be a while. I'm still trying not to laugh. If they like 'em, s'okay with me. They look much funnier on the guys with less than moon-sized heads.

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