Some Very Impressive Take-aways



Senior Member
Jan 7, 2005
First off, I don't post here often, but I felt like sharing a positive opinion from our first game under Coach Jones.

First: No penalties. For a new staff with a new team on their first game of the season to pull that off was outstanding. Penalties are more about focus and focus comes from smart, heady coaching. Penalties are far less a product of who you're playing and much more a product of preparation, the right kind of preparation that comes from a no-nonsense allowed coaching staff. A team with good talent can easily beat a team with great talent when the penalty ratio is one-sided.

Then: Hustle. I love how the team hustled against such an inferior foe. If this had been a Dooley coached team I would expect shrugging shoulders, players talking back to the staff and the QB ignoring the head coach as he walked to the sideline. None of that from this team. This head coach won't permit it.

I realize we're going to be completely outmanned in some games and that in itself will bring about some losses. But I won't be surprised to see this team pull an upset or two if they continue to buy into this staff's no-nonsense approach to the game.

Also: I like that this man seems to genuinely get that it's a big thing to be the coach of the Volunteers.
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I also liked how the team sprinted to the other end of the field in between quarters. It's those little things that make a difference, and it shows just what kind of coach Butch Jones is and what he expects from this team.
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I also liked how the team sprinted to the other end of the field in between quarters. It's those little things that make a difference, and it shows just what kind of coach Butch Jones is and what he expects from this team.

Agreed, I mean it's not like it's going to gas them and they are going to be useless.
I also loved how no one on our offense looked gassed running at that tempo. The D looked in good condition too, though I know they didn't have it as hard as they will soon. Proud of our Vols!
First off, I don't post here often, but I felt like sharing a positive opinion from our first game under Coach Jones.

First: No penalties. For a new staff with a new team on their first game of the season to pull that off was outstanding. Penalties are more about focus and focus comes from smart, heady coaching. Penalties are far less a product of who you're playing and much more a product of preparation, the right kind of preparation that comes from a no-nonsense allowed coaching staff. A team with good talent can easily beat a team with great talent when the penalty ratio is one-sided.

Then: Hustle. I love how the team hustled against such an inferior foe. If this had been a Dooley coached team I would expect shrugging shoulders, players talking back to the staff and the QB ignoring the head coach as he walked to the sideline. None of that from this team. This head coach won't permit it.

I realize we're going to be completely outmanned in some games and that in itself will bring about some losses. But I won't be surprised to see this team pull an upset or two if they continue to buy into this staff's no-nonsense approach to the game.

Also: I like that this man seems to genuinely get that it's a big thing to be the coach of the Volunteers.

I personally think you should post more doubt we're on the road back with this type of leadership's great to be Tenn vol fan.
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For the first time in a long time from what I have seen thus far the coach at UT is earning his salary.

I don't think we would have come close last year to even shutting out Austing Peay.

0 penalties is huge no matter who you are playing. I can think of two major games off hand that our previous administration lost based soley on penalties.

Its going to be an uphill climb but at least statistically we are already looking better.

I think if we keep going that in about 4 years we will start seeing the payback on our investment.
I also liked how the team sprinted to the other end of the field in between quarters. It's those little things that make a difference, and it shows just what kind of coach Butch Jones is and what he expects from this team.

Don't let Keith hear you say that.
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I think sprinting between the quarters can give us a mental edge. If I'm an opposing player completely worn out, seeing Tennessee players running might put an ounce of doubt into my mind. Maybe suggest wow, after all that they're not even tired. Just my $0.02.
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No penalties, no turnovers!!

MAXIM #1: The team that makes the fewest mistakes will win.

There's a reason that's Maxim #1 folks!
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I liked to see our guys give the ball to the refs after the plays. Shows respect. D. Young went out of his way to pick one up after he tossed it to a ref and it fell to the ground.
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I liked to see our guys give the ball to the refs after the plays. Shows respect. D. Young went out of his way to pick one up after he tossed it to a ref and it fell to the ground.

I noticed that too. Very respectful
I liked to see our guys give the ball to the refs after the plays. Shows respect. D. Young went out of his way to pick one up after he tossed it to a ref and it fell to the ground.

I noticed that too. Way better than the attitudes we had the last few years. This team shows respect and buys into the "it is a privilege to play at UT" mindset. This may have helped a little with the 0 penalty stat as well. I know it couldn't have hurt.

I think we have a shot at several upset but we will have to be rolling on offense...... super fast ......up tempo wearing them out. Uga Clemson game is a start but we would have to be even faster. I don't think u see how fast we can go till Oregon or florida
First off, I don't post here often, but I felt like sharing a positive opinion from our first game under Coach Jones.

First: No penalties. For a new staff with a new team on their first game of the season to pull that off was outstanding. Penalties are more about focus and focus comes from smart, heady coaching. Penalties are far less a product of who you're playing and much more a product of preparation, the right kind of preparation that comes from a no-nonsense allowed coaching staff. A team with good talent can easily beat a team with great talent when the penalty ratio is one-sided.

Then: Hustle. I love how the team hustled against such an inferior foe. If this had been a Dooley coached team I would expect shrugging shoulders, players talking back to the staff and the QB ignoring the head coach as he walked to the sideline. None of that from this team. This head coach won't permit it.

I realize we're going to be completely outmanned in some games and that in itself will bring about some losses. But I won't be surprised to see this team pull an upset or two if they continue to buy into this staff's no-nonsense approach to the game.

Also: I like that this man seems to genuinely get that it's a big thing to be the coach of the Volunteers.

Nice post! bUTch gets it!! GBO!!!
Agreed, OP. No penalties with this level of inexperience and new staff and new system is just hard to believe. That just reeks of discipline and focus. Overall, its just difficult to find much to fault on game one. The level of competition did not necessarily allow us to evaluate the talent level of our squad, but no penalties and hustle tell a story all their own regardless of the competition.
Great points OP!

There was one time, in the first quarter I believe, that AP was definitely trying to draw us off sides with a long count, and nobody on our D moved! :dance2:

I looked at my son and said "Did you see that, that was discipline on display"!

Butch Jones know! :)

I think Jones is the man for the job but it's telling that the bright spot of the game was no penalties against Austin Peay.

I also thought Palardy looked decidedly better on kick offs as well.

There just aren't gonna be many bright spots with this team after next week I'm afraid.

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