Somebody Loves Us



Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2011
In the new Coaches poll, we received 2 votes.
In the new AP poll, we received 1 vote.

I wish the ballots were public. I'd like to know which coach(es) gave us some love. I have a theory that Spurrier is our secret admirer.
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If we dodged a bullet with Kiffen, then we got nuked with Dooley.

For all the issues associated with Dooley, I suspect the outcome of his tenure would be nothing compared to what UT would have experienced with Kiffin around for another couple of seasons.

The recruiting would have been good for one or two classes. But my guess is that the ridiculous attrition and sanctions that would have followed would have set UT back many years.

Unfortunately, the football program had a growing bullseye on its back with Kiffin at the helm.
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If we dodged a bullet with Kiffen, then we got nuked with Dooley.

Dooley couldn't rebuild the program, but he also didn't get us put on probation, which Kiffin would have surely done. And he did get enough talent to where the next coach at least has a chance.
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