Someone Owes Me $50


Team Slacker

Nov 21, 2005
Two weeks ago before the Memphis game, one of you regulars said he would give anyone $50 because we would not score 50 points under CPF again. Well, I'me here to collect. Where are you with the cash?
Terry-shi-ttski is going to throw it your way. So, you may not ever get it.

But, hey, good call.
It was Tidwell on the Thread "Any for a 50-Spot". I can't figure out how to bring that post to this thread but it is there. He needs to pay up!
Lol I don't think he was being serious about that.

Lets not get in some big arguement over 50 bucks though.
This is a good spot for lawgator to jump in. What are the laws surrounding a written agreement to pay someone (anyone) money if a condition is met? 51 on the dawgs and a 50 spot in my pocket!
I am here to collect too.

I figured it would have been Hat to shove his foot in his mouth. Damn Tid why did you say that?
Did you think the Vols would score 50 points this year in any game?


I'll have to file this one under a check written with my mouth that my... can't cash. :)
Anyone who wants their 50 bucks, can PM me their account number and PIN, I'm paying up for Tiddy...


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