Spanish La Liga Question



Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
Hi guys,

This may be the wrong corner of the internet to ask a question about soccer, but I have had good luck getting needed info here before.

I am currently working on a research project with a couple of international students who claim to know soccer ( I don't really). However, we are having a problem. We need Spanish football clubs' manager salaries for 2003-present.

I am having trouble getting the data using google. To me it has been really surprising that this data is in't easily findable. So if any of you guys know a source for this kind of info, it'd be MUCH appreciated.
Good question. Manager salaries are not well publicized for the most part, especially for less notable clubs and don't require the same type of accounting as players wages. I'd say just keep digging on google
looks like your best best is to do individual searches for each year....if that doesn't work you will probably have to do specific coach salaries for each team for the year they were coaching a team in la liga.

sorry i can't be much help...good luck
Hi guys,

This may be the wrong corner of the internet to ask a question about soccer, but I have had good luck getting needed info here before.

I am currently working on a research project with a couple of international students who claim to know soccer ( I don't really). However, we are having a problem. We need Spanish football clubs' manager salaries for 2003-present.

I am having trouble getting the data using google. To me it has been really surprising that this data is in't easily findable. So if any of you guys know a source for this kind of info, it'd be MUCH appreciated.

It would probably be a very slow process and an overall giant pain in the ass but your best bet would probably be searching online records of each club's local newspaper. El Pais and MARCA have English versions that are easily available but not sure if you could say the same for something like Diario de Sevilla. Then again, Chrome will translate everything for you anyway.

Side note, I see that you're in Chesapeake, where are you in school?
Thanks guys for giving it your best shot. We may end up doing the individual Spanish newspaper searches. Probably start with the little cities to see if it's feasible. All years are post-internet age so that's a plus. I was just hoping that tehre was some website with all of the stats you would ever think about knowing --i.e. baseball-reference-- for soccer. There are a coupe out there --one called bdfutbol-- but it doesn't give salary. The project is to measure whether and how low income orgs can have success in La Liga by competencies with player selection and development. However, we really need a proxy for manager quality. And prior record doesn't make a lot of sense to us (seeings how some coaches are new and some are form overseas and some sucked at first but improved and some have a small sample size). So that's what the data is about. It's a strategic human resources type paper. We chose sports because changes and performance are so easily measured there.

However, my recommendation to use baseball wasn't heeded, and now we have a data shortage.

I go to Old Dominion Noch. I am a third year PhD student in strategy. You from around here? It's okay, but I'm looking forward to getting back w/in a 4 or 5 hour radius of Knoxville when I get finished with the program. UT Chattanooga, UNC Asheville, or WKU would be nice... I probably won't have a good enough research publishing track record to get hired in Knoxville (especially if crap like this keeps happening).
I go to Old Dominion Noch. I am a third year PhD student in strategy. You from around here? It's okay, but I'm looking forward to getting back w/in a 4 or 5 hour radius of Knoxville when I get finished with the program. UT Chattanooga, UNC Asheville, or WKU would be nice... I probably won't have a good enough research publishing track record to get hired in Knoxville (especially if crap like this keeps happening).

Nice. Born and raised in VB but spent 4 years in Knoxville for my degree. The gf, and soon to be fiance, went to ODU.

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