Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse

I have heard it's better than the 1st, which is a little hard to believe
I have heard it's better than the 1st, which is a little hard to believe
It's not IMO.

I'm going to be in the minority but to be honest while I enjoyed it. I was more interested in the Gwen Stacy story than the overall story as a whole involving Miles.

It was a little long and a few minutes could have been cut here and there. The ending is unlike any film I've seen it literally just ends with a "To be Continued".
Really enjoyed it but it was almost sensory overload. Just trying to soak up the animation and follow the complex plot along with the heavy character development. Gonna need to watch it a second time.

Kids loved it of course.
Really enjoyed it but it was almost sensory overload. Just trying to soak up the animation and follow the complex plot along with the heavy character development. Gonna need to watch it a second time.

Kids loved it of course.
Watched Into the Spiderverse with a 9,7, and 3 yo today. We loved it. Gracias for the recommendation BurntRedWaffle.

Cant wait for the Across to hit streaming.
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I myself complained at the last Spider-Verse movie, but didn't think to create a conspiracy around it...I think it might be how the movie starts. When she was drumming at the beginning, I couldn't hear any of the dialog and it didn't seem like surround sound was on. It was driving me nuts.

Well, I bought this movie on Vudu and answered this question. The theater's surround sound was messed up. You can hear her talking out of the center channel, clear as day.
Well, I bought this movie on Vudu and answered this question. The theater's surround sound was messed up. You can hear her talking out of the center channel, clear as day.
watched a movie recently, Quantamania to be exact. The projector was off to the side for first half of the movie. My buddy, went to ask about if they could fix it.

Young feller apparently moved it to the other side. Then came back to ask if it was better? 😂 They refunded our money.

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