For about 4 years I picked up a side job delivering and installing for SA, sears,Dicks, online and private sales.
SA always paid the highest and fastest, I'd do jobs in stores installing/ assembling bball goals,treadmills, ellipticals and other fitness equipment usually getting paid cash on the spot. With orders I would have the customers product shipped to my house or their residence and go install and assemble, when it was a SA order I was paid mostly immediately while Sears and other retailers would take 2-3 weeks for payment after job was done
I tried to start a small business but I'm not business savvy and decided it wasn't for me, I kept getting lawyers calling me saying I was stepping on American Assembly rose and other contract services to cease my operation, I probably could've took out a loan to keep my own attorney on retainer and run it the right way but it intimidated me so I stuck with the contract work through established companies.
I am good at assembling and fixing anything I don't hardly need any training to do it the right way and I have all the cool tools.
Sucks for Romney and employees of SA