Sports Talk Radio In Knoxville



Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
They were talking about Meachem today. Apparently he has become an absolute animal during the spring. The coaches are saying that he is getting soo good that he is wanting to run and learn every route. Just some new info to look foreward to I guess.
Originally posted by toddbond007@Apr 14, 2005 3:51 PM
thx 4 the heads up... if only riggs were that mtivated...

at least he hasn't got in a fight... :blink:
Sweet, it's refreshing to hear something positive for a change.

I am really glad that Meachem is playing well. If he keeps up the good work, it will really be fun to watch him and Ainge hook up for some big plays.... :good:
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Apr 14, 2005 4:01 PM
Good lord fella's, he's only a sophmore....

but he can leave after this season. He was redshirted. So JUST being a sophmore means nothing.
Leave after this season? He hasn't done much to prove himself just yet. He could leave after this year, but he won't go as high as he could if he stayed here and had great back to back season's..
I'm not even going to try and think. 3rd round. as of now. he hasn't done enough to get drafted real high, but he will get drafted in 2 or 3rd if he left right now. just because of pure athleticism.
gotta remember the IF oline goes so go the backs....oline'ers need sto commit to being the hole making monsters they were recruited to be....that accomplished the backs have more confidence hitting holes full speed like a rocket, one feeds on the other.

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