Spy firm can monitor YOUR car in real-time and is offering to sell the data it gets to other companies and the US military


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
A South Carolina-based surveillance firm that has sold services to the U.S. military is promoting its ability to provide real-time location information about 15 billion cars every month.

The company, called The Ulysses Group, says it can monitor vehicles in every country in the world, except North Korea and Cuba.

The claims come from a document obtained by the office of U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) in which the company has detailed its capabilities. Wyden is investigating companies that sell the data of consumers.

The company says it can track cars through sensors in vehicle parts - either installed by the car company, or by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) - the company that provided the components.

Clients could include insurance companies, anti-terrorism agencies and the military

'The OEM will have first dibs to the data, because they made the car and have access to the telematics,' said Andrea Amico, the founder of Privacy4Cars.

'But the company that provides the map itself, for instance, would have access to it; the company that provides the infotainment system may have access to it; the company that provides the traffic data may have access to it; the company that provides the parking data may have access to it.

Spy firm can monitor YOUR car in real-time and sell data to other companies and the US military | Daily Mail Online
Meh. I don't go anywhere exciting enough to be concerned about this. Besides, if you think GPS navigation in a car is a one way street, it ain't.

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