Stand up for the Seal 3



Somewhat sober
Aug 27, 2007
Didn't see a thread about can merge it I guess, personally if I was a mod I wouldn't because I luv my country. enough with the silliness though.

Stand Up for the SEAL 3 - HUMAN EVENTS

To quote Dewey Cox "it's hard for me to just sit around at a birthday party while their is so much injustice going on in this world"

If you didn't click on the earlier link there is a petition to sign at the bottom of all that HUMAN EVENTS Petition To Free the SEALs - HUMAN EVENTS in case you missed it.
Didn't see a thread about can merge it I guess, personally if I was a mod I wouldn't because I luv my country. enough with the silliness though.

Stand Up for the SEAL 3 - HUMAN EVENTS

To quote Dewey Cox "it's hard for me to just sit around at a birthday party while their is so much injustice going on in this world"

If you didn't click on the earlier link there is a petition to sign at the bottom of all that HUMAN EVENTS Petition To Free the SEALs - HUMAN EVENTS in case you missed it.

I did start a thread earlier at some point on this topic.

I applaud their courage for standing up for themselves and pray for their complete exoneration in court.
I thought you might of covered it somewhere, this is probably old news to you

I try to stay on top of things when I am online.

My next door neighbor was a SEAL before SEALS were invented.

He trained for an invasion in Korea in which swimming under water for great distances, towing 60+ lbs of personal gear including weapons, ammunition, food, etc. was neccessary.

After McAuthor's successful invasion my neighbor didn't have to undergo such hardship when coming ashore but he did spend two winters manning a fox hole there and still maintains that it must be the coldest place on Earth.

I've known a few people who were Navy SEALs and I greatly admire them.

First off, they must perform physical tasks that very few men could hope to perform, and I mean very few in the strictest sense of the word.

Secondly they must maintain an uncommon amount of disipline in many areas.

Our problem is that we are being betrayed at the highest office of government.

Here is the thread in which I broached the ubject.

I thank you for bringing up this topic.
I thought you might of covered it somewhere, this is probably old news to you

Here is a similar case.

Despicable is too weak a word for the actions of our country’s leaders and for so-called American media.

I agree, how about 'sorry assed treasonous backstabbing bastards??'

Oh wait that's more than one word.

Let me think of the right word. :furious3:

Anyone have any ideas?? :shades:
Are our own military personal considered and treated as second class citizens compared to the hateful bastards with whom we are engaged in conflict by the current and some say illigitimate regime ruling in Washington, District of Co2mmunism, USSA??

Some would say; hell yes.

"As a former [NYPD] cop and US soldier, I'm appalled that Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder believe that military courts are inferior to -- even less fair than -- the civilian justice system. In other words, it's okay to try US soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in military courts, but terrorists are to be given rights not afforded American patriots?" asks Det. Stephen Rodgers.

"This President should be ashamed of himself and his administration for treating murdering terrorists better than they treat soldiers -- at least in their minds," he added.


"And in case some Americans don't know, the AG [Eric Holder] was a senior partner in a law firm that regularly defended terrorists,"

“It is shocking that this Administration is more concerned about the rights of terrorists being fully protected in American courts than in the swift and effective justice available to our enemies in military courts in Guantanamo Bay,” said Shawn Callahan, Executive Director of Move America Forward.

“This is an outrage and a betrayal to our troops who have sacrificed, and a betrayal to the 9/11 families who have suffered so much. My son gave up his life fighting the terrorists, as did over 5,000 other brave warriors, to keep terrorists from coming to the homeland, and now Obama is bringing them here so they can have more legal rights. It is simply outrageous,” said Move America Forward spokeswomen and Gold Star mom Debbie Lee.

“Allowing those terrorists to stand trial in a civilian court, giving them the same rights and defense as American citizens, is a clear case of misplaced priorities.

To bring these murdering terrorists only up the street from where their evil plans resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent people is a slap in the face to all Americans.................
One muslim helping out another.

Here is another item, more or less along the same topic.

Report on Black Muslim group was recalled by federal government in 2007.

The analysis under scrutiny, known as an "intelligence note," was prepared in October, 2007 by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of Homeland Security, according to DHS officials and the documents, which were made public by the Associated Press in a report Wednesday.

The 2007 note was titled "Nation of Islam: Uncertain Leadership Succession Poses Risk," according to a DHS report made public Wednesday as the result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by civil liberties advocates.

"The intelligence note on the Nation of Islam should not have been written," the official wrote. "The organization -- despite its highly volatile and extreme rhetoric -- has neither advocated violence nor engaged in violence."

There are lies and then there are damned lies, well that last satement is such a doozie, one would have say that it is pure BS.
Heres to the SEALS, and every other military member.:hi:

"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Keep up the good work!!!
Heres to the SEALS, and every other military member.:hi:

"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Keep up the good work!!!


Here is a bit more on the Captain Bjork situation.

Kelley (Bjork's attorney) told me the accusers are former Iraqi police (3) and one former Iraqi intel officer.
................................ of the accusations relates to a brother of a local chief of police who was executed by an Iraqi tribe.

Bjork was not present at the execution. Bjork did not command the area.

What Bjork did--he trained Iraqi police.

.....perceive they're trying to save their own skins for whatever crimes they have committed. Accusing a U.S. officer could be a great method for distraction.

Why we are pandering to Iraqi detainees who can't even tell a straight story is beyond me.

A commenter named Dan offered additional information in response to our column on Thursday: "I served with Carl during the time he was accused of these actions and it's a bogus charge. As for the Iraqis who are testifying against him, what a group of liars. The leader of them being a former 'interrogator' of the previous Iraqi regime.


Captain Bjork

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