State of the Program



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
With all that I have read about firing coaches and the status of the program I wanted to put in my $.02.

Stephens gets my vote of the coach that must go if I can only vote once. The decline in the O-line has been evident under JRS. Even if Sanders is ultimately reponsible he can't do his job for him. And using that logic Fulmer is ulitimately responsible for everything that happens. O-line coach is one of the most critical position in our program.

Back to Sanders. He was not qualified to be OC at Tennessee when he was hired in 98. However he has done an ok job within the constraints that Fulmer puts on him. If you want to run a Tennessee offense it all comes down to line play. If you can't run the football it's not going to be pretty. I think he did a pretty good job of developing the freshman QB's and even Claussen looks like he is well prepared. Sanders actually put in a couple of new plays in the SC game that led to touchdowns. That's right Dandy Randy actually outschemed someone. I think he takes way too much blame.

As for the Vandy game: it was ugly but it was a win. For whatever reason that has become Fulmer's style--take it or leave it. He plays close, a lot of times ugly, games. He wins those and all other games at an 80% clip.

I don't know what anyone's problem could be with this year aside from the Notre dame loss. We should never lost that game and it still stings me that we did. However, my goal for this team at the beginning of the year was 9 wins and SECC game. With this team 8 wins was acceptable but 9 or more would be a great year.
Mission Accomplished.

What happens is people take the good and run with it. Earlier in the year I saw some of the same people who predicted a 7-4 type season before it started, were talkiing about Heisman trophies and BCS Standings. Now all of a sudden an SECC game appearance is not good enough any more.

Expectations of the fans have gotten way out of wack and it's starting to hurt the program. Apparently competing for SEC Championships every year is not good enough. I guess we need to win the NC every other year. It's far beneath our team and fans to travel to bowl games anymore unless it's a BCS bowl. I remember the old Vol fans who would be 40,000 strong traveling across the country to watch their beloved Vols play in a low tier bowl game. Back then we just wanted to suppport the team. Now teams like South Carolina have more fans travel to bowl games then we do. I envy the Gamecocks. They still have the dream that they can chase those magical seasons of competing for and winning a championship. They follow their team everywhere in the hopes that maybe someday if all the planets and the stars and moon will align and they too can win a National Championship. To them I say... be careful what you wish for.
Double Ditto Vol_Freak.

Should I call you VOL, Freak, Mr. Freak or Mr. Vol_Freak?

:pepper: <----what is this?
most call me Freak or Freaky but you can call me whatever you good taste of course.

That is a dancing pepper.
Would we all still be calling for heads to roll even if this were a "rebuilding year" like had been predicted preseason? Would every play still be disected and grumbled over?

More than probably, yes. Maybe it is just me, but even if we are in a rebuilding phase, I hate to lose, and I hate to see us look like we should be in the peewee leagues.

Tennessee has been, for quite a while now, a team of halves. I can think back to a string of Florida losses years ago. First year i believe we kicked their ass first half... then slept the second half as they pounded us into the ground. The next year Florida lept out to a huge lead, and we dominated to second half, sadly falling short of catching up to the huge lead Florida had built themselves. Lately we have broadened our horizons and done a great 1st and 3rd quarter, but stunk the field up in the 3rd and 4th. This adds to frustrations, because for 2 quarters we all see what the team could be... only to have our enthusiasm take an abrupt nose dive as we have a quarter of gutterball.

Rebuilding year or not, our defense against Vandy stunk. Mental miscues, poor tackling (i dont think you can really emphasize poor tackling enough) and going for big hits and Sportscenter highlights instead of doing your job have plagued the defense, and possibly whole team at times.
The offense goes through funks that make Rick James (God rest his soul) look plain-jane. We can get in an uproar over sportscasters poking at Fulmer and the playcalling, but the sad part is, there is truth to it. 4th and goal on the 1 I dont wanna see the FB up the middle. I wanna see a Peyton Manning bootleg where he just walks in the endzone. I wanna see a jump ball in the back corner of the endzone, with the reciever dragging those feet inbounds. We as fans have the right to second guess playcalling, and be generally unhappy with the team&#39;s play. Rebuilding year or not, if a UT QB throws a horrible pass and gets picked off i am going to be yelling at him using colorful language. I am a die hard UT fan. I cant stand other teams to make first downs. I cant stand UT 3 and outs. I think every play should be either a run for 20+ or a deep pass for 20+, and every one should be completed. We are Tennessee, and even at our worst, we should be better than everyone else.

Originally posted by Austin@Nov 23, 2004 10:28 AM
We as fans have the right to second guess playcalling, and be generally unhappy with the team&#39;s play.

You&#39;re 100% correct that fans have every right to second guess and be unhappy. Believe me, I rant and rave with the best of them, but at some point reality has to set in.

I agree, as a fan you also have to have a foot firm in reality. There is no way we can stop a team for a negative gain every play, no matter how much i want it and how much any yards we give up enfuriates me. I am not trying to approve of those who are fair weather, I am a UT fan in an 11-0 season, as well as in a 1-10 season. Every poorly thrown ball by the 11-0 team will get just as much ire as the ones thrown by the 1-10 team. Every tackle that is bounced off of because the defense didnt wrap the guy up will have me yelling just the same. The point is, we, as fans, need a place to share in annoyances in play calling or a player&#39;s poor play. I dont know about most of the guys on this forum, but my girlfriend will threaten to turn off the game if i dont stay calm, and of course she doesnt understand why my mood is down for the rest of the day after losing a game. Alot of us are probably as emotionally invested in the games as the coaches and team. Thus, you can consider lashing out at coaching more of a frustration reliever. I know after the Vandy game this past weekend, i wanted to go into that locker room and give those boys hell.
Originally posted by Austin@Nov 23, 2004 10:28 AM
4th and goal on the 1 I dont wanna see the FB up the middle. I wanna see a Peyton Manning bootleg where he just walks in the endzone. I wanna see a jump ball in the back corner of the endzone, with the reciever dragging those feet inbounds.

Yeah, and remember the last time we tried that, inside the 5 with 1 to go? Picked off in the end zone and all of us wanted to know why we didn&#39;t run the ball.

Your points are well taken. Hell, we&#39;re all huge fans. Why else are we glued to the TV, radio, newspaper, and (yes) message boards day in and day out from August to January? We all want to win (except for DSG, who thinks winning doesn&#39;t matter, apparently). We all get upset when we lose or when we disagree with a play call. I just don&#39;t like it when people take it to the next level and call for program overhauls and coaching changes when we&#39;re one of the very most elite programs in the country.

Like you said, this was supposed to be a "rebuilding year" with 2 freshmen taking snaps. Now I&#39;m planning a trip to Hot-Lanta.

Disappointed? Not this Vol.
Originally posted by Austin@Nov 23, 2004 11:59 AM
I dont know about most of the guys on this forum, but my girlfriend will threaten to turn off the game if i dont stay calm, and of course she doesnt understand why my mood is down for the rest of the day after losing a game.

P.S. -- Lose the broad.
Originally posted by kiddiedoc+Nov 23, 2004 12:29 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (kiddiedoc @ Nov 23, 2004 12:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Austin@Nov 23, 2004 11:59 AM
I dont know about most of the guys on this forum, but my girlfriend will threaten to turn off the game if i dont stay calm, and of course she doesnt understand why my mood is down for the rest of the day after losing a game.

P.S. -- Lose the broad. [/quote]
:eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol:

Yes, Kiddiedoc - we know that if she&#39;s just making him watch the game quietly now, after they get married she&#39;ll make him go shopping rather than even watch the game. :yikes:

Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Nov 23, 2004 12:28 PM
We all get upset when we lose or when we disagree with a play call. I just don&#39;t like it when people take it to the next level and call for program overhauls and coaching changes

My sentiments exactly. There&#39;s a big difference between being upset and voicing displeasure versus trying to pass yourself off as an "expert" and then blast anyone who disagrees with you.

Usually when somebody posts something like this, the standard response is that you have become a complacent fan satisfied with the status quo. Personally, I&#39;ll be a blind loyalist and defer to the man with the .800+ win percentage and multiple championships.
my wife leaves the house she can&#39;t stand to be around during my rants... second guessing is a fans right and flaming the coach is our right but calling for new coaches everytime the team falls short is ridiculous.... 1st off the coaches only call the plays, 2nd sometimes the other team outplays us, 3rd injured players aren&#39;t as effective as healthy ones (motivated or not) (see Riggs article on home page) 4th there are lots more but I&#39;m tired of beating this dead horse....
Originally posted by volmanjr@Nov 23, 2004 12:48 PM
there are lots more but I&#39;m tired of beating this dead horse....

It&#39;s the deadest horse that there has ever been.
Every poorly thrown ball by the 11-0 team will get just as much ire as the ones thrown by the 1-10 team

Where do you propose we find players and coaches that do not make mistakes? Why would you insert stress into your own life by dishing out "ire" when someone screws up? Making mistakes is part of life, even you are allowed to make a mistake. I cannot comprehend living in such a manner that I feel it necessary to inflict ire on some college kids playing a damn game. Man, Tennessee football is icing on the cake of life. Try to enjoy it....and allow these kids to be human. Your self-dignityor ego should not be damaged because some kid or coach scews up.
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Nov 23, 2004 6:16 PM
Tennessee football is icing on the cake of life.

Now, THAT, my friend was poetic. How right you are. You really ought to use that quote as your signature.

I said 8-4 at the beginnig of the year and I feel they&#39;ll finish 9-4 so I missed by one win, but the biggest problem is they dropped a game to ND and shouldn&#39;t have and watching UT&#39;s offense the last 3 years is like sitting thru a root canal.
UT has 2 problems
1. Fundamentally poor
2. Offensive coaching staff as a whole is weak.
Hey KiddieDoc don&#39;t be stupid in using my quotes. If, in the state of our program, we don&#39;t win 9 games they should tear down Neyland. So the year is measured on the two or three games the experts think will be close.( Ga., Fla., LSU etc) All other games should be won by comfortable margin. The mediocraty you guys accept is why were not a perenial top 10 program anymore&#33;&#33;&#33; :shakeit:
Has to be Rich Brooks, I mean what other coach could come within 2 scores of Ohio of the Mac at home :banghead:

2-8 following 4-7

Thank god its basketball season :angry:


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