Stephen Seagal gives President Maduro a samurai sword for leadership

Are these movie stars nuts? Why don't he and Sean Penn go live in Venezuela to see what it's really like. Chavez and his followers have all but destroyed that beautiful country. I lived there for 6 years, so I know what it is really like. These movies stars live in Lala land.....:mad:
Relax. It's got a CIA listening device embedded in it.

With a little luck our government will have that region doing as well as the middle east.

Made him lose his frekin mind
I hate it when we all get old & gravity starts to take over your life. None of us will be spring chickens anymore.

I had that very conversation with a friend today and asked for the kleenex now for my tears. Lol.

Seriously, I understand aging gracefully but obvious cosmetic surgery? The thrill is hard to let go. It's probably been 25-30 years since I've seen a picture of her.

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