These Spurrier rumors have been really flying around the last week or so. I heard that he was quoted somewhere as saying he wanted to coach in the SEC at either Bama or Tennessee. I think I had a post on it earlier in the week. Who knows how much truth there is to it. I for one don't think that Spurrier would be a good fit at UT. Only time will tell.
Please, NO!! I don't want Spurrier at UT. I always have trouble respecting cocky, arrogant, condescending jerks and somehow, I think if you look up 'poor sportsmanship' in the dictionary, there'd be a picture of Spurrier. Stay in DC, or come back to Florida and take Zook's job and we'll kick his butt a few more times - you know that would be more fun than having him here.

Let me be the first poster to call ******** on this one!

Sorry guys I beat you to the punch.

Spurrier said himself that he would always be a Gator. There is no way he would ever coach at UT. I don't think the fans would have him myself.
Unfortunately, I have heard too many fans say they would want him.
I'm not one of them. BUT, can you imagine the level of intensity the rivalry between us and UF would rise to if SOS DID coach UT?? That would be the ultimate slap in the face for Gator fans and they would KILL to beat the "Traitor Spurrier". I'm happy with CPF. I just don't like his supporting cast.
I agree, I just can't imagine Spurrier representing this fine University.

I want to see this team play better and be a little more creative, but I don't think it would be Tennessee football to come out and throw the ball 50 times a game. I really love smash mouth football....rushing for over 200 yards a game. Unfortunately, we can't do that either.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Oct 24 2003, 02:46 AM
I agree, I just can't imagine Spurrier representing this fine University.

I want to see this team play better and be a little more creative, but I don't think it would be Tennessee football to come out and throw the ball 50 times a game. I really love smash mouth football....rushing for over 200 yards a game. Unfortunately, we can't do that either.

:unsure: :blink: :p

Vol-freak, check your pm's please.
Got it, check yours. I noticed it did not tell me I had a message. I hope that is not a bug......... :(
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 30, 2005 11:26 PM
Too bad it is not true. :angry:

:bad: Spurrier should not even be allowed to cross the state line into Tennessee. He's made his allegiances known in the past.... saying he no longer considers himself a Tennessean.
Sorry, I like imagination on offense. Our offense reminds me of Pop Warner League and our o- coordinator reminds me of my last bad drunk.
Yeah, but defense is good too. Not to mention having a coach you actually like as a person.

We're going to beat Spurrier's 'cocks like a read headed stepchild. No way he can do what Lou couldn't do.
Yeah :censored: the Old Ball Cock. He needs to stay in SC where they put holes in their pants packets so you can feel "Cocky" all day..... :finger: :finger: :finger:
I am a little bit confused as to why this topic is back in play. Did I miss something? :dunno:

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