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Dr Ezekial Emanuel, brother of Obamas Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, wants all Americans to be covered by a nationalized health care plan. What he doesnt want is for us to be covered equally. After spending his career in the health care field he has come to the conclusion that the best way to reduce the cost of national health care is to let those who are very sick or elderly just die. That way all the healthy tax payers who dont need health care much will be covered and those of us who have the misfortune to get very sick, inherit some incurable genetic affliction or have the temerity to get older than 75 can have a nice little talk with a government health counselor who will help us accept the fact that the government just wants us to die already.
Ezekial is Obamas primary advisor on health care reform and holds two key Obama positions, health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and a member of Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. Ezekial is on the record stating that we need to set up a health care system that discriminates against individuals whom the state values less:
Such an approach accepts a two-tiered health system-some citizens will receive only basic services while others will receive both basic and some discretionary health services Substantively, it suggests services that promote the continuation of the polity-those that ensure healthy future generations, ensure development of practical reasoning skills, and ensure full and active participation by citizens in public deliberations-are to be socially guaranteed as basic. Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.
Dr Ezekials scheme will ensure healthy future generations by restricting health care to those carrying defective genes that will prevent them from becoming participating citizens. Like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Dr Ezekial seems to have a strong belief that intelligent government policy works to clean up the gene pool.
The philosophy of care that is informing Ezekials policy recommendations is communitarianism, which dictates health care decision making based on the perceived value of a person to society. The problem with this and similar schemes is deciding who gets to determine who is valuable to society. The answer in a nationalized health care system is obviously the state. Yes the same state that currently puts its thumb on the scales of justice and hands out preference and favor based on race, sex, sexual orientation and ethnic origin will now be determining who moves up or down on waiting list for government health care. Ezekial makes this abundantly clear in this quote:
Social Value Allocation prioritizes specific individuals to enable them to promote other important values, or rewards them for having promoted these values. In view of the multiplicity of reasonable values in society and in view of what is at stake, social value allocation must not legislate socially conventional, mainstream values.
The question posed by communitarianism is just who is of value to the community or more correctly to the state that controls the community. Ezekial explores the calculus of determining who lives and who dies in his statement:
Allocators must also avoid directing interventions earmarked for health needs to those not relevant to the health problem at hand, which covertly exacerbates scarcity. For instance, funeral directors might be essential to preserving health in an influenza pandemic, but not during a shortage of intensive-care beds. For instance, former organ donors seem to deserve reciprocity since they make a serious sacrifice and since there is no surplus of organ donors. By contrast, laboratory staff who serve as vaccine production workers do not incur serious risk nor are they irreplaceable, so reciprocity seems less appropriate for them.
nce again we can all rest peacefully at night knowing that our new aristocracy the God-Scientist will carefully apply their superior scientific reasoning to our health care system too bad they seem to be devoid of a greater understanding of morality.
The universal health care system that Ezekial is building will be paid for not just by new taxation and enforced waiting periods but also by refusing care to individuals deemed unworthy. One of Ezekial Emanuels tasks as part of Obamas health care initiative is to develop a Federal System for withdrawing care. Those under 15 and over 75 are deemed less worthy of health care. He believes that Americans are too enamored with technology and he wants to reduce our access to newer and expensive life saving medical technology. The elderly will be pushed into a hostel system designed to ease their deaths but not prolong their lives.
Those younger than 15 are valued less by Ezekials philosophy of life and do not contribute in his opinion to society as much as those 15-40 year old citizens who are worthy of health care. Is this not what the anti-abortion people have been claiming for forty years? That if we pretend the millions of aborted fetuses are not fully human and thus not eligible for the protection of the law that someday those in power would expand this definition to other humans.
These ideas of course are not new, we have been there before. Life not worthy of life and all that. It is just ironical that a socialist Jewish scientist is rehashing the work started by the German National Socialist but you know the left never leaves a bad idea behind.
Next time you are enjoying the services of the state at the DMV, a Social Security office, a VA hospital, a car dealership or at any of the thousands of other government controlled institutions look around and ask yourself are these the people that I want determining critical decisions related to mine and my families access to health care. Then go home and call or email your Senators.
Ezekial is Obamas primary advisor on health care reform and holds two key Obama positions, health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and a member of Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. Ezekial is on the record stating that we need to set up a health care system that discriminates against individuals whom the state values less:
Such an approach accepts a two-tiered health system-some citizens will receive only basic services while others will receive both basic and some discretionary health services Substantively, it suggests services that promote the continuation of the polity-those that ensure healthy future generations, ensure development of practical reasoning skills, and ensure full and active participation by citizens in public deliberations-are to be socially guaranteed as basic. Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.
Dr Ezekials scheme will ensure healthy future generations by restricting health care to those carrying defective genes that will prevent them from becoming participating citizens. Like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Dr Ezekial seems to have a strong belief that intelligent government policy works to clean up the gene pool.
The philosophy of care that is informing Ezekials policy recommendations is communitarianism, which dictates health care decision making based on the perceived value of a person to society. The problem with this and similar schemes is deciding who gets to determine who is valuable to society. The answer in a nationalized health care system is obviously the state. Yes the same state that currently puts its thumb on the scales of justice and hands out preference and favor based on race, sex, sexual orientation and ethnic origin will now be determining who moves up or down on waiting list for government health care. Ezekial makes this abundantly clear in this quote:
Social Value Allocation prioritizes specific individuals to enable them to promote other important values, or rewards them for having promoted these values. In view of the multiplicity of reasonable values in society and in view of what is at stake, social value allocation must not legislate socially conventional, mainstream values.
The question posed by communitarianism is just who is of value to the community or more correctly to the state that controls the community. Ezekial explores the calculus of determining who lives and who dies in his statement:
Allocators must also avoid directing interventions earmarked for health needs to those not relevant to the health problem at hand, which covertly exacerbates scarcity. For instance, funeral directors might be essential to preserving health in an influenza pandemic, but not during a shortage of intensive-care beds. For instance, former organ donors seem to deserve reciprocity since they make a serious sacrifice and since there is no surplus of organ donors. By contrast, laboratory staff who serve as vaccine production workers do not incur serious risk nor are they irreplaceable, so reciprocity seems less appropriate for them.
nce again we can all rest peacefully at night knowing that our new aristocracy the God-Scientist will carefully apply their superior scientific reasoning to our health care system too bad they seem to be devoid of a greater understanding of morality.
The universal health care system that Ezekial is building will be paid for not just by new taxation and enforced waiting periods but also by refusing care to individuals deemed unworthy. One of Ezekial Emanuels tasks as part of Obamas health care initiative is to develop a Federal System for withdrawing care. Those under 15 and over 75 are deemed less worthy of health care. He believes that Americans are too enamored with technology and he wants to reduce our access to newer and expensive life saving medical technology. The elderly will be pushed into a hostel system designed to ease their deaths but not prolong their lives.
Those younger than 15 are valued less by Ezekials philosophy of life and do not contribute in his opinion to society as much as those 15-40 year old citizens who are worthy of health care. Is this not what the anti-abortion people have been claiming for forty years? That if we pretend the millions of aborted fetuses are not fully human and thus not eligible for the protection of the law that someday those in power would expand this definition to other humans.
These ideas of course are not new, we have been there before. Life not worthy of life and all that. It is just ironical that a socialist Jewish scientist is rehashing the work started by the German National Socialist but you know the left never leaves a bad idea behind.
Next time you are enjoying the services of the state at the DMV, a Social Security office, a VA hospital, a car dealership or at any of the thousands of other government controlled institutions look around and ask yourself are these the people that I want determining critical decisions related to mine and my families access to health care. Then go home and call or email your Senators.