The OP AND Vols 30 are both morons. Of the HIGHEST order.
So is ANYONE else who says that only "older" fans think of this as a rivalry.
I'm still close to the university and it's activities, and's STILL a rivalry to the students. Except those who don't give an elephant's a$$ about why college football IS what it has ALWAYS been due to this game...
THIS GAME was the game that put Neyland's coaching on display for the entire country in 1928. It was ALREADY a rivalry - not quite like the one with Vandy, but it rapidly surpassed it - Through the years, it's not lost it's luster.
To the idiot who claims that Alabama residents don't consider it a rivalry - you're talking out of your butt. I lived in Huntsville, AL for several years, and trust me, it's STILL big. I still have lots of friends in the area, and they WILL attest to this fact.
Traditions are like that. They MEAN something. If you can't see it, then I feel sorry for you, as you're not a very bright person. You have the attention span of a gnat, and only 1/10 of the gnat's good sense.
Finally - to the "RED TEAM" fan who came on here trolling and showing your in-bred retarded butt for all of us to see - go back to your one-hole abode and TRY to find a way to be classy. Based on your posts, and by extension, your intellect, you WON'T ever achieve that goal...