Stricter child sex laws hurts black people

By her logic more women need to be in prison. I guess we need to impose life sentences for shoplifting and holding your cell phone while driving.
This is typical progressives use of forcing the statistics to match your premise
That's some serous logic!

This is why I am an independent..... can’t believe anyone would want to be on either side.... both sides are morons from president all the way down.

Unfortunately independents and libertarians get labeled as the enemy by both sides in what to them is a "with us or against us" zero sum game.
Anyone harmed by stricter punishment for child sex predators deserves to be harmed and then some.
This is not entirely true...... there is a black guy in Georgia that was 18 and went to a party where he met a 15 yr old girl that claimed she was 18... he received consensual oral sex at the party..... he was arrested and received 10 years in jail and will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life...
They will also charge people with sex crimes who take a leak out in public.... These people have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives. Another example of no common sense when it comes to laws..... if a minor chooses to send a nude pic to another kid.... They can charge the kid with child pornography..... if that young person turns out to be over 18 and the person that sent the pic is underage 16/17 than that person could face serious consequences for the rest of their life.
Child sex crimes are awful but the justice system has no common sense when enforcing them right now.
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This is not entirely true...... there is a black guy in Georgia that was 18 and went to a party where he met a 15 yr old girl that claimed she was 18... he received consensual oral sex at the party..... he was arrested and received 10 years in jail and will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life...
They will also charge people with sex crimes who take a leak out in public.... These people have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives. Another example of no common sense when it comes to laws..... if a minor chooses to send a nude pic to another kid.... They can charge the kid with child pornography..... if that young person turns out to be over 18 and the person that sent the pic is underage 16/17 than that person could face serious consequences for the rest of their life.
Child sex crimes are awful but the justice system has no common sense when enforcing them right now.
Ok so then we’re arguing as to what constitutes a child sex predator. I agree there are black and white situations that don’t make sense but I also know it’s impossible to make rules to address every scenario.
Ok so then we’re arguing as to what constitutes a child sex predator. I agree there are black and white situations that don’t make sense but I also know it’s impossible to make rules to address every scenario.
They need to figure out a way not to create more criminals by over punishing people for something that could happen to any of us.

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