Stupid question


Dr Dread

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
Which is more stupid: People calling Obama "Hitler", or people saying that calling him that is racist?
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FWIW outside of a very narrow band of people that are actually trying to draw genuine historical parallels between Hitler and "Individual X" (or invoke naziism/fascism in general for that matter) it pretty much puts me right out of a conversation when such terminology is used.

Far and away the most common usage for the name "Hitler" is a lowest common denominator term for "something/someone I really want to associate with bad things" since even most Jay Walkers know about Hitler.
FWIW outside of a very narrow band of people that are actually trying to draw genuine historical parallels between Hitler and "Individual X" (or invoke naziism/fascism in general for that matter) it pretty much puts me right out of a conversation when such terminology is used.

Far and away the most common usage for the name "Hitler" is a lowest common denominator term for "something/someone I really want to associate with bad things" since even most Jay Walkers know about Hitler.

I agree. But what I don't understand is why someone would call it a racist comment.
I agree. But what I don't understand is why someone would call it a racist comment.

Dude, there are people out there that think Crayola is racist because their black crayons aren't "African-American" crayons.

Ok, maybe not quite that but racist is just another one of those words that those without a real argument invoke for almost any reason because it's universally considered "bad" to be racist. It's almost been rendered meaningless in general usage.
Obama's form of statism DOES share many points with Hitler's Nazism. I'm not accusing him of the violent intentions or anything of the sort... but both are children of the philosophical shift in the 19th century that gave us marxism, national socialism, humanism, materialism, Nietchze, eugenics, etc... and in America particularly, Progressivism.

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