It's not funny, because it did happen they held us for four quarters it was even a replay on ESPN I am disgusted if I was a hog fan I would have never wanted to win this way. It was the most pathetic thing I have ever witnessed
It's not funny, because it did happen they held us for four quarters it was even a replay on ESPN I am disgusted if I was a hog fan I would have never wanted to win this way. It was the most pathetic thing I have ever witnessed
I am a little mad and a lot biased but come on there was some major holding but I need to cool down so sorry I will see things a little clearer in a while see ya'll
I am a little mad and a lot biased but come on there was some major holding but I need to cool down so sorry I will see things a little clearer in a while see ya'll
ha it's sad but true but we need to earn our respect not wait for it to land in our lap. we need to take care of top 25 teams a little better, but oh well it is not the end of the world
and lose that too? I love my VOLS, but we don't have enough depth to sustain the injuries that we have gotten this season. If we had the same starting line-up that we had in week one, this game would have been a no brainer. As it is, we did well to get out the way we did. Just my opinion.