When I was a freshman in high school we went to a camp at UT. We ended out playing against Tyler's team in the "tourney" portion of the camp and she ran the scoreboard so she could watch. We ran a full court press and turned them over enough times that it wasn't even a game, and Tyler was much more of a douche then than he is now, even cussing the ref once and the ref just laughing at him after we turned him over in a trap, but my parents were there and during half time (which we were up by double digits already) I walked over to her, said "Coach Summit would it be alright if my father took a picture of me with you?" She didn't even think twice, "Sure son. what's your name?" She stood up talked to me as my dad came over, he put up the camera and she put her arm around me even though I was drenched in sweat.
yes its a cool story bro, but it always made me think of just how down to earth she really was. How many coaches would put their arm around a sweaty stranger who was beating the crap out of their kids team? I don't think many.