Would rather she be mothballed with the option to bring her back into service fairly quickly if needed. But that's just me. If that wasn't an option, I would go the museum route. Walking the decks of the USS Yorktown at Patriot's Pointe in Charleston, SC is an awsome way to spend a day or two. (Yes, it takes that long to see everything.) Also on display with the Yorktown is the USS Laffey (WWII Sumner class destroyer that participated in the D-Day landings and served in the Pacific where in one battle she was attacked by 22 kamikaze planes, was hit by 5 of those planes, and took 3 bomb hits in the attack. She survived. As a result, she received the nickname "The Ship that Would Not Die"), and the WWII diesel submarine, USS Clamagore (talk about claustrophobia.....). It also has a reproduction of a Vietnam era fire base complete with a river PT boat and Cobra attack helicopter. I visit Patriot's Pointe every summer. It's awesome and never gets old. The Enterprise could offer the same thing as a museum rather than being scrapped. That is a shame.