Supreme Court denies appeal of regretful Islamic State bride

United States v. Wong Kim Ark - Wikipedia

United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court which held that "a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicil and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China", automatically became a U.S. citizen at birth. This decision established an important precedent in its interpretation of the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Any child born in the United States is a US citizen from birth, with the sole exception of children born to a parent or parents with diplomatic immunity, since such parent is not a "subject to the US law" as the decision requires.
she actually attended my university before she got swept off her feet - a colleague of mine had her in class
United States v. Wong Kim Ark - Wikipedia

United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court which held that "a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicil and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China", automatically became a U.S. citizen at birth. This decision established an important precedent in its interpretation of the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Any child born in the United States is a US citizen from birth, with the sole exception of children born to a parent or parents with diplomatic immunity, since such parent is not a "subject to the US law" as the decision requires.

Another stupid decision by the Supreme Court. We are one of the few countries that still abide by the "jus soli" BS.
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One of the first things I would do if given the power, end birthright citizenship.
The only other system is heridatary. Define american blood? It works in other countries because they are homogeneous AF.

We cant track where someone was born, but now we are suddenly going to trace everyone back to their great grandparents?
The only other system is heridatary. Define american blood? It works in other countries because they are homogeneous AF.

We cant track where someone was born, but now we are suddenly going to trace everyone back to their great grandparents?

Nope. Child citizenship is decided by parent citizenship - not that difficult once you deal with fraud.

Remember all those little Manchurian Candidates that the Chinese vacation birth programs spawned. Dropped in the US for a birth certificate and taken back to China for indoctrination. The anchor babies dropped in the US as "citizens" who can then act as "sponsors" for the parents who illegally planted them here.
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The only other system is heridatary. Define american blood? It works in other countries because they are homogeneous AF.

We cant track where someone was born, but now we are suddenly going to trace everyone back to their great grandparents?

Personally I'd do the Starship troopers model but that's never happening so being realistic I would make it hereditary and require 1 parent be a citizen. Nothing hard, don't have to trace generations just need 1 parent to be a US citizen and the child is born a US citizen.

But continue on with your hysterics.
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