Supreme Court REJECTS Religious Challenge to New York COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
The Supreme Court declined to take up a challenge to a New York COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health workers that does not include religious exemptions.

Three conservative justices dissented from the decision, but no explanation was offered by the court in declining to hear the appeal, according to USA Today.

Supreme Court rejects religious challenge to New York COVID-19 vaccine mandate
I must admit I’m not happy about this decision.
Cleariy, my next steps must be: Attack the SCOTUS as illegitimate on social media. Protest outside the judges homes. Riot in the streets. Brainwash my kids into believing the SCOTUS is evil. And call Clarence Thomas the N word whenever I believe I can get away with it.

That’s how this works right?

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