Tennessee congressman Cohen denegrates Tea Party people.
Mark A. Skoda, founder and chairman of the Memphis
Tea Party, called Cohen's remarks "hate speech" that's
"beneath the dignity of the office."
"This continued racist narrative, which has somehow
been ingrained into the overall Democratic talking
points, is just completely false," he said.
Funny that Cohen couln't join the black caucus because
of his skin color but he doesn't utter a word about that
outright racism.
Cohen is trying to make this;
look like this;
Notice the comical apple mentions and quotes Cohen
opponent King Willy but fails to mention at all the
candidate that needs to be elected,
Charlotte Bergmann.
You people in Memphis need to get behind her right away.
You can't be more radically liberal than Cohen, a member
of the 'progessive caucus' which represents the interests
of international socialism in America following the communist
manifesto rather than the US Constitution.
One of the more outrageous pieces of legislation ever
introduced by Stevie boy when he was a representative
to the Tn state congress was the draconian animal rights
bill that was a copy of a nazi law enacted in Germany
back in the '30s.
The nazis had the most stringent animal rights laws
in the history of the world.
The legislation introduced by Cohen died a quiet death
thankfully but it would have placed heavy fines on
farmers if they didn't get a professional to do simple
tasks, listing about 50 things an animal owner couldn't
do, such as castrating pigs or shoeing or trimming the
hooves of horses.
I don't recall if the penalties called for incarceration
of offenders or not but one of the more sinister aspects
of some animal rights laws is that if convicted the offender
may never legally own an animal for the rest of their life.
"For the animal rights movement to succeed, the
Judeo-Christian tradition must be destroyed."
Peter Singer, Princeton ethics professor who is considered
the "godfather of the animal rights movement" and who
claims, in his wierd view of human ethics, that the only
two taboos left to be broken are sex with children and
sex with animals and we need to legitimize such activity.
He also is in favor of giving parents thirty days to decide
if the want to keep their baby or kill it.
I can only surmise Cohen agrees with everything Singer
says, someone should go to a Cohen rally and ask him if
he agrees with Singer.