Surprize! Cash for clunkers will be taxed

My wife, the CPA, called that one from day one.
"Hope & Change" Baby!!!!!!!
man, that stinks. extra 4500 to be taxed. when will the sheep ever learn. funny nothing was mentioned until after it was over
I thought that this was pretty obvious... I mean, did people think it WOULDN'T be taxed? What isn't taxed these days?
I thought that this was pretty obvious... I mean, did people think it WOULDN'T be taxed? What isn't taxed these days?
why would it be taxed. Clearly those using the program are giving up an asset for the benefit. My guess is that most took advantage not knowing about the gain, or certainly not about the estimated size of the gain. Maybe the paperwork in order and the estimate of the trade in clearly laid out, but I can't imagine a government program being handled that well.
man, that stinks. extra 4500 to be taxed. when will the sheep ever learn. funny nothing was mentioned until after it was over

I hope this gets plenty of attention, though i doubt it will. These folks running the show now never cease to befuddle me.
I swear I heard them say on CNN that it was an unintended consequence

kind of like the extra couple of trillion added this past week to the projected deficit.........and the extra couple of percent of the un-emplyment rate.......and so on....and so on

But HEY, its all good.....we NEEDED a change
what's shocking is that the democrats (and to a lesser extent, republicans) would craft a piece of legislation that screws both sellers and buyers.

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