Personal Best 6:48p
I've taken shi☆s longer than you were on campus... Thanks for the memories 7
moz 6:48p
Thanks for everything, ◇◇◇◇◇. Enjoyed the ride. The recruiting meltdown, insulting the coaches, deciding to transfer after being named the starter. Keep in touch, bro.
You are so wright !!! Not only that the coach's he has hired only had a short time before quite time in recruiting. We as fans has got to stop being such a bunch downers. What I have seen and heard so far this guy is amazing. What will happen on the football field record wise only time will tell.
have to say mistake, because I can't use the language I would like to use to describe my disgust with the decision to rid yourself of ■■■■■■.
It WILL come home to haunt you!
Wait for it, Listen for it. Watch for it. The football world will discover that you have your collective heads up your collective ass.
this is open for anyone to post from any team forum
"I agree. We aren't getting everyone, but this is better than any class BJ ever signed on paper, and it would rank in the top 30-40 if we weren't restricted with the number of scholarships we can give."
(Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I read BJ as Butch Jones.)
Fun thread, OP!
so many possibilities - enjoy
"Our O talent is questionable at best (nm)"