JK, btw.
But the fact that people are getting upset about this is dumb IMO.
Moslem demands start out innocuous enough.
Equality, freedom, respect for their beliefs.
For instance Obama was successful as a state senator in Illinois of getting a hallal food bill passed (the only bill he ever had passed in his all too brief political carreer), but was unsuccessful in getting a state holiday declared for muslims.
Once that foothold is gained and there becomes enough of a moslem presence then violence is used to advance islam.
Easter bomb attack near Nigeria church kills at least 20 - Yahoo! News
A car bomb blast outside a church in northern Nigeria on Easter Sunday killed at least 20 people and put the country on alert over fears of further attacks, rescue officials and residents said.
The explosion, a stark reminder of Christmas Day attacks that left dozens of people dead in Africa's most populous nation and largest oil producer, hit the city of Kaduna, a major cultural and economic centre in the north.
Motorcycle taxi drivers and passers-by caught much of the blast.
Eventually when those of other beliefs are killed off, driven out or totally subjected and/or driven underground to secrecy, then you have the following, some examples:
Saudi Arabia - Conversion by a Muslim to another religion is punishable by death. Bibles are illegal. Churches are illegal. It is punishable by death for a non-mulsim to enter the holy muslim cities of Medina and Mecca.
Yemen - Bans proselytizing by non-Muslims and forbids conversions. The Government does not allow the building of new non-Muslim places of worship.
Kuwait - Registration and licensing of religious groups. Members of religions not sanctioned in the Koran may not build places of worship. Prohibits organized religious education for religions other than Islam.
Egypt - Islam is the official state religion and primary source of legislation. Accordingly, religious practices that conflict with Islamic law are prohibited. Muslims may face legal problems if they convert to another faith. Requires non-Muslims to obtain what is now a presidential decree to build a place of worship.
Algeria - The law prohibits public assembly for purposes of practicing a faith other than Islam. Non-Islamic proselytizing is illegal, and the Government restricts the importation of non-Islamic literature for distribution. The country has passed the Regulation of Religious Practice law, which stipulates a punishment of two to five years imprisonment and heavy fines for anyone convicted of urging a Muslim to change his religion.
Syria - The constitution requires the president to be a Muslim and specifies that Islamic jurisprudence is a principal source of legislation. Sharing your Christian faith is discouraged as posing a threat to the relations among religious groups and carries a penalty of up to life in prison. A Christian is not allowed to proselytize ever. Churches who want to hold an extra service must get a government permit. Sermons are routinely monitored, as is church fundraising.
Religion of peace my azz.