Tea Party going after Lugar for having the nerve to support START



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
The TP has announced that they are going to make a primary run against Dick Lugar because he is urging his Senate colleagues to put aside their efforts to embarass Obama and do what is right for the country, and support START.

In response, former Senator Danforth, a Republican, says that if the party dumps Lugar over this then he fears the party is so far gone it is "beyond redemption."


In particular, Lugar, the ranking GOP member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has blasted his own party for relentlessly blocking ratification of the New START nuclear arms treaty with Russia, calling on his fellow GOP senators to “do your duty for your country” and complete the pact.
Not surprisingly, this insubordination has earned Lugar significant scorn within the Republican base, which now seems to value blind obedience over principled independent decision-making. In a New York Times profile of Lugar published today, former GOP Sen. John Danforth feared that the backlash against Lugar from his own party signals that the GOP has gone “far overboard” with no hope of turning back:
“If Dick Lugar,” said John C. Danforth, a former Republican senator from Missouri, “having served five terms in the U.S. Senate and being the most respected person in the Senate and the leading authority on foreign policy, is seriously challenged by anybody in the Republican Party, we have gone so far overboard that we are beyond redemption
Mr. Danforth, who was first elected the same year as Mr. Lugar, added, “I’m glad Lugar’s there and I’m not.”
Do what's right? In who's eyes? Yours?

Last time I checked these treaties never work out in our favor. We make an agreement and the other country just keeps on building up their defenses while guys like you say we need to do what's right for our country.

Guys like you are going to get us to the point we no longer have the ability to protect ourselves.
Do what's right? In who's eyes? Yours?

Last time I checked these treaties never work out in our favor. We make an agreement and the other country just keeps on building up their defenses while guys like you say we need to do what's right for our country.

Guys like you are going to get us to the point we no longer have the ability to protect ourselves.

The judgment of a five term Republican hawk Senator on this, who is not beholden to the Palin army loons for his seat, seems a heckuva lot sharper than yours. Or hers.
The Senator was a moderate. he has also now been used as a quote machine by leftist like yourself.
so a political group disagrees with someone and wants to run someone to replace them? Trying to find the issue
If time magaizine selects you as one of the top 10 Senators chances are you're not very conservative. They also listed Snowe, Mccain and Kennedy. All of which most conservative ( NOT TEA PARTY) members do not like.

Also, if you're a senator and you're praising Obama on foreign diplomacy you are probably not a conservative. You are falling on the sword and blaming the US for all the worlds problems.

And let me be clear ... if you part of the Dream Act or any other of Mccains hair balled ideas on illegal aliens ... chances are you are not a conservative.

You are a middle of the road moderate at best republican.
The judgment of a five term Republican hawk Senator on this, who is not beholden to the Palin army loons for his seat, seems a heckuva lot sharper than yours. Or hers.

yes, just like the judgement of pelosi, reid and many other marxist libs. you libs are such fools. GO FL STATE.
so a political group disagrees with someone and wants to run someone to replace them? Trying to find the issue

Its about the struggle over whether good policy and the interests of the country will take a back seat simply to going after this POTUS in every manner possible. So far, the right wing of the party is insisting on calling the shots and, so far, their singular goal is to make Obama look bad at every turn.

Even though everyone in their party with an ounce of foreign policy experience supports START, the TPers and those afraid of them see holding it up as an opportunity to make Obama look like he is appeasing the Russians.

Even though most foreign policy experts, even the rational conservative ones, view START as making us stronger by virtue of our more modernized forces, these fools are willing to put that aside just for cheap political points.

I think that is what Danforth means when he expresses concern that the party is irretrievably too far to the right.
you always start every idea about the TP thinking they want to go after the Pres only. You fail to acknowledge they could just have different views about things and want to get people in place that share those views.

and to be fair, taking the opposite stance of this President is going to be a winner in the long-term.
I'm from Indiana man, and believe me Bayh (D-IN) is more of a hawk and conservative than Lugar is. It boggles me that he keeps winning. Oh well in TN now and I have my own two chuckleheads in Alexander and Corker to deal with to worry about him anymore.
Obama:If I'm interested in figuring out my foreign policy, I associate myself with my running mate, Joe Biden or with Dick Lugar, the Republican ranking member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, or General Jim Jones, the former supreme allied commander of NATO. Those are the people, Democrats and Republicans, who have shaped my ideas and who will be surrounding me in the White House.
maybe this has something to do with the view he's in with Obama
LG, is this really any different than Code Pink going after a pro-life democrat?

You really should learn to pick your battles.
Its about the struggle over whether good policy and the interests of the country will take a back seat simply to going after this POTUS in every manner possible. So far, the right wing of the party is insisting on calling the shots and, so far, their singular goal is to make Obama look bad at every turn.

Even though everyone in their party with an ounce of foreign policy experience supports START, the TPers and those afraid of them see holding it up as an opportunity to make Obama look like he is appeasing the Russians.

Even though most foreign policy experts, even the rational conservative ones, view START as making us stronger by virtue of our more modernized forces, these fools are willing to put that aside just for cheap political points.

I think that is what Danforth means when he expresses concern that the party is irretrievably too far to the right.

Yes and the Democrat party was all working with Bush in the last 3 years of his term so well. It is also on the record that Russia did not 100% comply with Start 1. Why would they comply with this one either?
why would we trust Russia anyways? the pentagon released documents that showed that Russia was telling Iraq what we were bringing to battle(even tho some of the stuff was BS), and this was when Putin was suppose to be friends with Bush
Or that Obama respects his opinion on foreign policy and national security.

But, yeah, I can see how someone would defer to Palin on this.

and his views match those of Obama. Not exactly the ringing endorsement you're looking for
Or maybe it's because he respects his opinion because it's more in line with his own? IE like how Joe Lieberman was a bit more on the side of Bush when it came to the situation in Iraq etc. (and need I remind you how the democratic party handled that by throwing him off a cliff just because he agreed with the southern accented devil there?)

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