It's going to be a lot closer than people think and the only way I see this sliding past 10 points is in the final minutes when Kentucky just lets lose and UT basically throws in the towell.
Davis is the most impressive player on this team. I know you got a pretty slick point guard but just the shot blocking ability of Davis changes everything. It forces you to take mostly tough contested shots because the D is extremely good and going into the paint is a big no. But IMO, Hall and for sure Maymon is WAY more physical than Davis. If the refs let them play, I can see a lot of offensive boards and easy baskets. Jones is the big If here and obviously a better player than Maymon. I still think theres a defensive disadvantage for both players and either is capable of taking each other to the rim. Just depends how tough Jones is.
The biggest disadvantage is for sure the back court. If Cal's smart, he'll pressure the hell out of Golden because that's the only decent ball handler we have and you'll see more Washpun.
As long as we don't have trouble getting into our half court game, this one is going to be low scoring. I don't see a Memphis repeat anymore this season and Martin is a lot smarter than that to get into a race with UK.
Tatum and McRae BETTER show up.