Tennessee Football 1969 "The Year of the Championship"



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007
Thought some might enjoy

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Seen it. Brings back memories of my childhood when I was just beginning to follow the Vols. I got to see the Chattanooga and South Carolina games in person that season. U. T.'s only regular season loss that year was to Ole Miss & "Archie Who".

After rewatching this video, I found it interesting how Doug Dickey was so completely whitewashed out. He was not even mentioned or shown anywhere. If one didn't know better you would have thought Bill Battle was the head coach that season.
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Thanks for posting. Takes me back to my youth and the Vols that I first followed.
Thought some might enjoy


Bravo thanks for posting all though I was born 12 or 13 years after this season was played I enjoy watching this. I hope some of our younger vol fans take the time to watch this!!
That brings back a boatload of memories for me, because I was a student at U.T. then, and saw every home game. The keys in those days were tremendous blocking, determined running, timely passing, and a tough, opportunistic defense. I hope those qualities are coming back.
I really appreciate the post. It's tough nowadays to see anybody that had the mindset to play and just try to win! I evolved as a youngster during the early 70's and had great moments and memories of the Doug Dickey Show. Maybe somewhere in the quagmire of the current world of sports we can get back to old fashion football and spirit and the pride of your home state!! GBO!! Thank you Peyton Manning! :lolabove:
Bravo thanks for posting all though I was born 12 or 13 years after this season was played I enjoy watching this. I hope some of our younger vol fans take the time to watch this!!

I was in my mothers belly during the 69 season since I was born march 70
I spent many a sunny autumn Saturday listening to the legendary John Ward and Bill Anderson call UT football games. John always made the the Vol Network listeners feel as though they were in the stadium watching the game and feeling the excitement. "Give Him Six!" :clapping:
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