Butch consistently says it is all about relationships.
As we are seeing, Butch has taken into consideration every aspect of relationships -- between coaches and players, between coaches and players' families, between current players and future players, and among the recruits themselves.
From day one, the coaching staff have been off the charts active, knowing that they were behind in every aspect of the program. Hard to get the locomotive moving but this group continues to throw the coal on the fire, brick by brick, rising to the top. No doubt it takes this effort to rebound from where the program fell from 10 years ago.
The relentlessness and creativity of the staff is awesome. Seems like they never sleep. As an old guy I once knew said, "you can't sell from an empty wagon". Butch has polished the rust off the "Tennessee Brand" and made it brilliant orange again. He's reminding everyone that a top ten winning college program of all time has much to offer and the Power T is on the rise.
People are noticing. Four in one weekend - three out of Atlanta and continuing to build the fence around Tennessee! It's exciting to be along on this train because I have a feeling it will be a fun ride. Expect there to still be many trials in the near term but I am more optimistic than I've been in a decade. GBO!!