It all starts with coaching, and it all falls back on the coach too.
Well, if that's the case, I guess UT just needs to hire another assistant and have the coaching staff get out on the court and play the games, since apparently the outcome of any given game is determined solely by the coaching. /sarcasm
You're ridiculous. I also think you have some sort of psychological problem. Normal people do not express this much misdirected, unbridled animosity toward someone they don't know and who has done absolutely nothing to warrant it.
Holly hasn't done anything to deserve the barrage of b****ing, whining, and disrespect dished out by the idiots who populate this board solely to complain -- even when the team is winning. Those idiots, however, by nature of their idiocy, deserve everything they get.
You are the biggest fool on this board, telling everyone how stupid they are, repeatedly mentioning your educational background and being, with your complaint of anonymous people showing such "animosity", a complete hypocrite.
As for Warlick, she has taken over a program littered with All-Americans and done nothing particularly special with the vast amount of resources she was given. Her criticism is warranted until she actually manages to achieve something really noteworthy.
Your reading comprehension is atrocious. Let's see if I can make this easy for you to understand. The people who come here solely to bash and criticize Holly know who she is, so she is not some anonymous person to them, but they do not know her personally. By most accounts, she had done an outstanding job, considering the number of injuries the team has faced over the past three years, the turmoil within the program brought about by Pat's illness and retirement, and the fact that she is a third year head coach being compared to individuals who have headed their programs (stable programs that have not had to deal with the upheaval of the retirement of a veritable legend) for decades. These posters have no reason to be as persistently abominable as they are. Their (over)reactions are absolutely unwarranted. When they show up here to spout their nonsense, they are fair game. It's not kosher to berate anonymous individuals who have said/done nothing wrong; when they behave like fools in a public forum, however, it's game on. Do you understand now?
She took over a program that was already starting to decline and has kept it relevant and is moving forward in a positive direction. That may not be noteworthy to you, but it is to me and the majority of other actual fans.
You still don't have the first damn clue. You pretend to be the smartest person in the room while simultaneously acting as Warlick's press secretary and don't do either job very well. You are the biggest jerk on this board and should really get lost if you fail to understand the point and/or nature of sports boards.
Again, Warlick took over a program that had a name, talent and recent success, so your protests that the program was, somehow, falling to pieces is about the most idiotic facet of your argument. You are approaching Baghdad Bob levels of stupidity and, even worse, somehow think that you are above everyone here in your intelligence because you went to some Ivy League school and not pissant Tennessee, where the stupid, inbred yokels have to be told how happy they should be.
Just go away and tell some other fan base how stupid they are and how they should think, act, behave, etc. Your act is tiresome.
I never said the program was falling to pieces. I said it was starting to decline from where it had previously been, and that is a fact. When Pat retired, the program could have taken a serious nosedive. It did not, and much credit for that is owed to Holly and her staff. Those who refuse to acknowledge that -- for whatever reason -- are the true "jerks" here. And, sorry, but I'm not going anywhere. I support this team likely more than you do.
She's done worse than the point in which you said the program was "in decline", unless she changes course and does markedly better this year than in her previous trips to the tournament.
You aren't a fan, at this point, of the Lady Vols, you are a fan of Holly Warlick. And, I wouldn't presume too much on that last sentence. Of course, I'm an actual Tennessee fan and alum, so my loyalty is spread out across the athletic spectrum for teams on the Hill.
You're clueless. I've been a fan of the Lady Vols since I was a kid and have attended more of their games than I can count over the years, and still do so, regularly, even though I have to travel a fairly significant distance to do so. The fact that I didn't attend UT doesn't make me any less of a fan of the women's basketball program. I could have certainly attended UT just like you and been, at least in your estimation, an "actual fan" (I did apply there and was accepted), but I chose another school that was a better academic fit for me. Nothing says you have to be an alumnus of a particular university in order to support a sports program at that university, especially when you grew up in that university's backyard. So . . . take your nonsense opinions and shove them. I'm every bit as much a fan as you are.
So, you, basically, did the same thing as me, minus the part where I actually played ball with a number of the players, attended classes with them and had a number of Lady Vol friendships.
You're right, you are such a better fan than me. As usual, you are smarter, better, more dedicated, reasoned, etc. than anyone else here.
I'll give you a half credit here for, once, not calling someone an idiot, stupid or ridiculous for having the gall to disagree with you.
Is this supposed to impress me? If so, you've failed. I attended classes and fostered friendships with the children of Supreme Court justices, diplomats, and sundry other national and world leaders, activists, and intellectuals. Not only did I have class with them, I have been taught by a number of them. Of course, I'm sure that doesn't impress you, and I'm not a big fan of name dropping because I think it is pretentious and unnecessary (and because position, status, and authority don't impress me), so I'll stop there. Suffice it to say, the fact that you played ball with, went to class with, and forged friendships with a number of former Lady Vols doesn't impress me . . . at the end of the day, I'm no less a fan of this program than you are. UT takes my money as happily as it takes yours. When I'm sitting in TBA in my orange and white (or sometimes Lady Vol blue), no one pauses to consider the fact that I have a diploma from Harvard hanging in my study instead of one from UT. No one cares. We're all there for the same purpose -- to support the Lady Vols. And I do so as proudly as anyone with a UT degree.
Your words, not mine.
I don't call people stupid or ridiculous for disagreeing with me. I call people stupid and ridiculous when they are being stupid or ridiculous.
What the hell does theme references to Supreme Court justices have to do with anything? Oh, I forgot, you need to seek any opportunity to self-aggrandize yourself. You made the point that you were a better fan than me, so I threw in my connections to the Lady Vols to make the point that you just being a fan and spending a bunch of money doesn't make you the #1.
Your whole diatribe is odd, yet typical of your sort of posts when you have to make yourself the most important person in the room.
Yes, your calling card, though, is to call anyone stupid who doesn't kowtow to your hagiography regarding Warlick. Just in this thread, we have prime examples of the your presence here. It's a sort of highlights section of your persona.
1. The poster being stupid or ridiculous for daring to criticize the deity, Holly Warlick.
2. The poster you criticize not being as good a fan as you are.
3. Some kind of reference to your accomplishments, acquaintances, titles achieved, whatever that demonstrates how far superior to anyone else. Mind you, none of this information is really asked for or relevant.
4. A personal dig at someone, at varying levels of inappropriateness, like the one here about the poster's psychological problem. I'm not even sure whether or not that's a step up from your usual "you failed at life" commentary.
So, no, you aren't really warranted in your comments regarding others and, in fact, could use a dish of humility for yourself.
I don't care about your alleged connections to the Lady Vols. Not one bit. That's the point, which went right over your head. Just as my peers from college are not important to you, yours are irrelevant to me.
The point didn't go over my head because that's not the point in question, never was. You stating you were a better fan is the issue there.
When I care what you think, I'll let you know. But speaking of diatribes . . . have you ever read your own posts?
You seem to care enough to respond.
Again, when I care what you think, I'll let you know.
You're letting me know by engaging me here.
That poster was me, good grief. Can't you read what you just said above? "I support this team likely more than you do."
Where, other than the post above, have I ever even hinted at referencing my acquaintances? Where have I ever posted about my titles achieved? You have no idea who I am or anything about me, really, other than what I allow you and others to know, which isn't very much. That's the beauty of the internet. One really never knows with whom one is conversing. While I never claim to be something I'm not, I will never allow myself to be anything more than an anonymous persona on any internet forum, especially this one, so your insinuation that I make a habit out of referencing my accomplishments or acquaintances is patently false. I don't do that. I have no reason to.
WHAT?!!? You constantly, constantly make references to things you did. Hell, you just, just went on a tiff about the children of Supreme Court justices you know, world leaders and other such important people and so on. It's like you are so detached from reality that you don't even read what you wrote.
Is someone forcing you to read my comments?
Has nothing to do with the conversation. I wanted to comment, so I did. Either respond or ignore it.
Take your own advice.
Again, I'm not the one telling others how stupid they are on a constant basis. Go through your posting history and note how often you are here telling people this type of message. This is your schtick, not mine.
The point didn't go over my head because that's not the point in question, never was. You stating you were a better fan is the issue there.
You seem to care enough to respond.
That poster was me, good grief. Can't you read what you just said above. "I support this team likely more than you do."
WHAT?!!? You constantly, constantly make references to things you did.
Hell, you just, just went on a tiff about the children of Supreme Court justices you know, world leaders and other such important people and so on.
It's like you are so detached from reality that you don't even read what you wrote.
Again, I'm not the one telling others how stupid they are on a constant basis. Go through your posting history and note how often you are here telling people this type of message. This is your schtick, not mine.
You have this odd combination of belittling others on a regular basis
then almost, if not outright, forgetting or denying things you actually said.
The manner in which you post here is astonishingly egotistical.
Some fail to realize that there is no longer that wide talent that the Lady Vols,UConn and others once had. It's much more competitive getting that one player that takes over a game when they can stay home. Pat had multiple players of that caliber and thanks to her it's changed for the better. There's competition across the board now yet people ridicule Holly as if she can't coach. Far from it. It's competition. Fortunately next year they have that playmaker that had to sit out a year. The Lady Vols haven't gone anywhere, the seed that Pat Summit planted is growing all over the country. Look at her tree. There's a difference between watching hoops fanatcally and emotionally versus understanding the game of basketball. Fan is short for fanatic. Leave out the emotion and focus on what's truly happening. Good basketball.
Of course it's the point in question. You attempted to name-drop in order to prove a point (that you have more of a claim to fandom than I do). I responded accordingly. It's not my fault that you can't make the connection. Maybe you should have gone to a different university.
Never claimed anything. Again, that would be you. You seem to have a fundamental lack of understanding of this point.
Perhaps I find you amusing.
Which suggests you care.
Oh, I understood your intent. The comment was more directly related to your poorly constructed sentence.
The sentence was perfectly stated as I intended it to be, as an example of your attitude towards various people as epitomized within this thread. Try reading it again if you are confused or feel it is poorly constructed.
Constantly? Tell me. You know where I attended college and that I have been a Lady Vols fan from childhood. You know nothing else about me.
I know that you went, specifically, to an Ivy League school, you know a bunch of really, really important people (purportedly), have been taught by really important eopls,among other statements you make about how impressive you are, for which you mentions quite consistently.
I said I attended college with these people, just as you stated you attended class with former Lady Vols and forged friendships with them. I didn't say that to impress you, because you aren't worth the effort. We've all had interesting people in our lives; it doesn't matter, unless you are impressed by that sort of thing. I'm not. If you want it in simpler terms -- the fact that you attended class and played ball with former Lady Vols is of no more import than the fact that I attended class and became friends with the people I did. In fact, it is not important AT ALL.
My example was specifically referencing a point you made about being a fan, a participant in this area, whereas you went on some unrelated jumble of name dropping.
Interesting, coming from you.
I am consistently on point. I can't say the same for you.
Only when it's warranted.
And, of course, you get to be the arbiter of this determination and could never have it thrown back upon you, which is why you respond in such a furious tizzy when someone dares to do so.
Again, only when it's deserved . . .
This never happens. I 100% own everything I say.
No, no you dont. But, why should I expect some consistency from you now.
Thank you.
Seriously, look at this. Every time, EVERY time someone decides to give you a little blowback on your self-determined status as the arbiter of what is and isn't stupid, you get into these long drawn out self-aggrandizing spats. I don't know where you got the idea that you are the one for the job, but you are completely blind to the situation.
This conversation is pointless, so, as far as I am concerned, it's over. If you want to continue, come find me at the game tonight. I'll be there with a UVA grad, so our egos will probably take up four rows. We should be easy to spot.
I attended classes and fostered friendships with the children of Supreme Court justices, diplomats, and sundry other national and world leaders, activists, and intellectuals. Not only did I have class with them, I have been taught by a number of them.