Tennessee Quarterbacks



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Not to seem the pesimist here but has anyone heard if Schaefer is considering transferring. Some news publication earlier in the year had mentioned that Brent stated thatif he lost the starting role to Ainge he would consider transferring to another school. I was just curious because as we all know Ainge showed he is capable. Schaefer is Vick like whic is just exiting. And now Clausen show a miraculous improvement over three games and WON THE COTTON BOWL. With Tennessee losing its last 2 bowls that is significant. Does anyone think this might be a major issue inthe off season? Keeping all three?

shodges119 :blink:
Schaeffer has announced he is staying. Now, some of the rumor mongers seem to think he'll stay around through May and if he isn't at or very near the top of the depthchart after the spring game, he may reconsider. That wouldn't surprise me either.

Keeping all 3 (and add Crompton) will be an issue for one maybe 2 of the QBs, but it will be more lively watching the internet fodder on this. We'll have 4 quality QBs come September if they all stay. Of course the younger the QB the less likely he is to manage the offense. At least we have some ammo in the gun and should we lose one of these kids, I'll be sad, but we will not be hurt by it.

The competition at QB will make them all better.
Plenty of reading on this if you scroll through the old posts.

Bottom line: Nobody knows (although we all will preach our opinions like gospel. 'Course, that goes for just about any issue in here!)

Oh, :welcome:
Keeping all 4 would be very difficult. If you base it on the Manning and Clausen freshman years then you can expect one to leave. Luckily with so much great talent it would have very minimal impact. You know Clausen wont go, Ainge would be a shock, and Crompton swears he's coming to take over the #1 spot. That leaves only 1 out. The biggest thing working in favor of him staying is all the playing time he got as a freshman. Thats something the Manning and Clausen runner ups didnt get. Should be an interesting summer.
IMPO if Shaeffer continues to work hard as hs says he has done lately then he will get his playing time. Fulmer has said that he is "getting his act together". Me, personally I like the idea of a two headed monster if Shaeffer has more of a playbook to work with. If Shaeffer wants to play he needs to what it takes to be a leader on and of the field.
and he needs to learn to read coverage quicker he looked to anxious to run all the time
Well I think Shaffer needs to become more of a pocket QB....He's great at making things happen with his feet but when he comes in the game, it's almost like everyone knows exactly what he's going to do and where he is going to go....If he'd become a pocket QB and Phil and all them throw in some draw plays for him every now and then he'd be great....Till then we got Erik "the man" Ainge
Keeping All 4 QB's might be a stretch.....I wouldnt count my chickens on Crompton until he actually signs his letter of intent!!!
I'm gonna say it before TNVOLS1 does: Crompton is coming here. Write it down.

Should be interesting with 4 QB's. Just think of all the teams that would kill for one good one. :naughty:
Yeah, we are greedy bastards. Our response to any player: "Put him in orange."

Anyways... My perspective on this is the common one: Rigth now, Clausen probably has the starting role by a nose over Ainge, but Erik will probably earn that back before the season is over. Erik HAS said that he is still nervous about losing his spot to any of the other three. Ainge currently shows the greatest potential at the moment, though; Aside from Crompton, but Crompton has the ability to redshirt, so he is safe in any event until Jimmy Clausen comes along. Schaeffer is probably in a distant third place after all that missing class nonsense, not showing up to workouts and the like.

I think it would be in Schaeffer's own best interest to transfer... Unfortunately, I see little in his future at Tennessee. The only reason I hesitate on letting him go is that he might end up in another SEC school. The boy really has potential to be an amazing running quarterback. A regular Vince Young or dare I say, Mike Vick. Tennessee's gameplan just does not have room for that style.
How long are we going to beat this down? Clausen enters spring #1, Ainge has proven to be better than Schaeffer, Crompton is the future after Ainge IF he doesnt beat him out. Figure it out people. You may like Schaeffer, if so you probably like Vick, but he is the 4th in the lineup of names i listed. Thats the facts of the matter. Brandon Stewart survived after getting beat out by Peyton and so will Schaeffer.
I think the coaches will have Ainge start anyways and redshirt Crompton. They will get the most mileage out of their QB's that way.
If he wants to... But not redshirting will be tougher on the coaches, give him less experience, just generally cause some bad things, in vain no less.

I highly doubt he will start at all next year -- That's wasting the talent of THREE good qb's, two of whom have started down the road and the other slowly proving himself as his college career is winding down.
I spoke to him personally after the ND game, the Ainge injury game, and he told me personally he plans on attempting to start05.
It's great to have high goals but it's more realistic to think he will RS.
Well, hell, guys. Who'd have thought we'd have 2 freshman "co-starters" at the beginning of '04? Who's ever even heard of that?

Here's the deal: None of us get a say, and none of us gets to line 'em up in the offseason or preseason (at least I don't think so. . .). So, for now, let's just be happy that we have 18 starting quarterbacks instead of ZERO and let the beaten horse lie. Some of you may feel like running Schaeffer or Crompton out of town, but after this year, I wouldn't mind a little "depth" at QB???
it will all play out this spring, if Brent transfers we will be ok if he doesn't we will be ok and if Crompton comes in and is the best man for the job strap him up and lets get busy
More on the QBs. Sarge is correct in the comment by Crompton. His goal is to start in '05. OTOH who would expect him to say anything different? I wouldn't want him if he didn't have that attitude. Further, his dad said in an interview with KNS that the ultimate goal, is for Jon to
be the starting QB at UT one day. His mom has said that Jon will fight to be the starter in '05, will be dissapointed if he doesn't, and realizes there is a lot of quality on campus already. She said he is committed to be a Vol for 4 or 5 years

Finally, an article in an Orlando newspaper this morning quoted Schaeffer as saying he will go into the spring with the goal of being #1 himself. If he does not finish spring at or very near the top, he will consider a transfer at that point. I'll go get the link to this later (didn't save it).
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Jan 11, 2005 11:32 AM
Finally, an article in an Orlando newspaper this morning quoted Schaeffer as saying he will go into the spring with the goal of being #1 himself.  If he does not finish spring at or very near the top, he will consider a transfer at that point.  I'll go get the link to this later (didn't save it).

It will interesting to see if Schaeffer can get to class, go to workout and do his best to learn the offense and defensive schemes. It is one thing to transfer when you have worked as hard as you can and still can't get the starting position. It is another when you just think that you are the best, but haven't done much to back it up and transfer. Any QB at Tennessee doesn't have to look any further than Peyton Manning to see what talent and a lot of work can get you.
OWB don't forget, he is still a KID. At 18 or 19 having recieved the hype and the glory kids like this get, it can be easy to have your self-expectations get blown out of proportion. I suspect Brent has had to go through some ego deflation issues. That can be difficult for a teenager especially one in such a huge position in a major program. Assuming that this kid matures mentally, you can not down-play his potential. An injury or 2 at QB (does that sound familiar?), and we would be blaming CPF and CRS for letting him go.

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