Tennessee U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles

It is an infraction because he allegedly didn't even know what his major was (or tried to dress up the general studied degree).
It’s actually possible he’s being truthful. At one point my major changed titles when I was halfway through the program at UT. I think there were some budget cuts occurring, so they consolidated 2 majors and gave them a name change. It’s rare, but it does happen.
For your daily dose of whataboutism, we still have no idea what’s in Obama’s college transcripts. And he was POTUS, not some drip representative from a jerk water district.

FYI, I liked McCain, and later Romney. So did Spike Lee. And your post is indeed a classic whataboutism post. Congratulations, here's your award:
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Next thing you know he will be claiming to be Native American, to have served time in Prison with Nelson Mandella, to have narrowly lost out to Roger Staubach in a QB battle and to have turned down an appointment to Annapolis
Inventing the internet
Dodged sniper fire in Kosovo
Not having sexual relations with that woman
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Next thing you know he will be claiming to be Native American, to have served time in Prison with Nelson Mandella, to have narrowly lost out to Roger Staubach in a QB battle and to have turned down an appointment to Annapolis

You did all of that? Wow! In which timeline or dimension did that occur?

And imagine that. JP1 subtly admitted voting for Obama. Wowza!

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