Tennessee Vols first game



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2009
I know it's Austin Peay but Tennessee is playing fast and nasty!!! #RISETOTHETOP :dance2: :loco:
Our passing game is gonna have to be a lot of short yardage dink and dunk and our secondary is still suspect. Also our Oline is playing average and getting stuffed inside the 5 like that is disgraceful against Peay. Aside from that we can win some games with this team.
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Worley's arm strength has me worried. Lots of underthrown balls.
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I'm pro Worley. Yet I have to admit what I believe I'm seeing.

1. Passes that look like wounded ducks in their last gasp fluttering.
2. No zip in the passes. If this was an SEC team, he'd be picked repeatedly.
3. Slow when bootlegging BUT since he fakes runs so often, he sneaks some fairly nice runs because you don't know if he's bluffing or not.

The play I'm seeing thusfar won't cut it with an SEC team, Oregon, and probably not WKU either. I hope it's just first game jitters, but. . . .

On the plus side, he has led us down field to scores each possession.
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I don't think Worley has played terrible, but there is room for improvement. Lets remember that the offense isn't going to open things up against AP, and you will probably see more action for the wide receivers as the year progresses and the play book opens up.
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I'm pro Worley. Yet I have to admit what I believe I'm seeing.

1. Passes that look like wounded ducks in their last gasp fluttering.
2. No zip in the passes. If this was an SEC team, he'd be picked repeatedly.
3. Slow when bootlegging BUT since he fakes runs so often, he sneaks some fairly nice runs because you don't know if he's bluffing or not.

The play I'm seeing thusfar won't cut it with an SEC team, Oregon, and probably not WKU either. I hope it's just first game jitters, but. . . .

On the plus side, he has led us down field to scores each possession.

Agree completely.
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Agree completely.
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I hate our single back sets. Even AP figured our read option out pretty quick. We won't fool any decent teams. WKU will be a good game.
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Second half, poor tackling and not much offense. Peterman not having much of a game.

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