Tennessee Vs Michigan State

why do we do these threads??? is anyone really gonna say michigan state on a vol site??? if so then i will :machinegun: down their stupidity...
Originally posted by Hoosier Vol@Apr 3, 2005 11:33 AM
UT- 74
MSU- 62

thats a prettty high score for us.

don't care though, we got this won. :pepper: :pepper:
MSU by 8.

Just kidding. I say
Vols - 65
MSU - 59
A Lady Vols win and a rematch with LSU.............................my stress level cant take it!!!!!!! :unsure:

Originally posted by vol_freak@Apr 3, 2005 11:15 AM
That LSU game will be a war.

I know!!!!! I think we can take them in the end IF Shyra is 100% and one of our 3 pointers are of fire. It just makes me nervous!!!! :D
I would rather them play Baylor, but it would be sweet to ruin LSU's season. We already are halfway there with SECCT game...
I think Pat will turn up the tempo, and we will run them ragged.

Not sure about actual scores, but I say we probably win by 8-10 points. :rocks:
We will win if the LV's can stop the marshmallow girl from eating them. :rolleyes:

Tennessee wins, MSU loses..
UT- 58 MSU- 51. Baylor beats LSwho. Hope last years blown call doesn't haunt them in the finals!
Lady Vols will win it tonight by a fairly comfortable amount....I'm going to say 12

BTW, LSU is getting beat by Baylor at the moment!!!
I think that Tennessee will lose by four after blowing a 16 point lead....and Ely will have a terrible game.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Apr 3, 2005 6:55 PM
This Augustus chik from LSU is awesome. Wow, why didn't Head Summitt recruit her?

Summitt did! It came down between UT and LSU and she is from baton Rouge so...Pat also went after Fowles and it came down between LSU and UT!

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