Texas High School "Farm System" for utjr & aTm

I take it you don't spend much time in Texas? Lol.

This one pails in comparison to some of the ones around here. Welcome to hs football in the metroplex. Northern and Southwestern suburbs uniformly have stadiums which would be the envy of many a G5 program.

For some reason Chip Kelly had the inside track with the top recruits from the big school up the street. They were all flocking to UCLA for a while there. I remember they were interviewing one kid on the local news or whatever and asked him why UCLA of all places when Texas, A&M, etc were all after him? His response was quite simple. "Asian chicks man". I was laughing for like a week from that one.

Edit-now that I think about it-the phenomena was going on well before Chip Kelly-he just continued the process. The one guy I referenced had to be at least a decade ago
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I take it you don't spend much time in Texas? Lol.

This one pails in comparison to some of the ones around here. Welcome to hs football in the metroplex. Northern and Southwestern suburbs uniformly have stadiums which would be the envy of many a G5 program.

For some reason Chip Kelly had the inside track with the top recruits from the big school up the street. They were all flocking to UCLA for a while there. I remember they were interviewing one kid on the local news or whatever and asked him why UCLA of all places when Texas, A&M, etc were all after him? His response was quite simple. "Asian chicks man". I was laughing for like a week from that one.

Edit-now that I think about it-the phenomena was going on well before Chip Kelly-he just continued the process. The one guy I referenced had to be at least a decade ago
I lived in San Antonio from '90-'95...and traveled the state by car from San Angelo to Mexia to Tyler to Brownsville to Del Rio...so, I get it. Thank God I don't have to do that anymore. THIS one, for ANY high school facilities, is quite impressive.
They have been building shrines like those for 30+ years down there. HS FB is big business and essential to local economies.
A significant portion of the nation's FB talent is right there in both the metro areas and smaller cities, towns, and communities.

King of the Hill was hilarious showing the FB culture down there. Those episodes provide decent perspective.
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They have been building shrines like those for 30+ years down there. HS FB is big business and essential to local economies.
A significant portion of the nation's FB talent is right there in both the metro areas and smaller cities, towns, and communities.

King of the Hill was hilarious showing the FB culture down there. Those episodes provide decent perspective.

Non CFB related, but the funniest episode of the entire series was when Hank and Bobby went on a road trip to the "official propane store of the Dallas Cowboys".

They get there all excited and find out it's just something the owners put up to lure in Cowboys fans. To top it off, they are Oklahoma fans and start playing "Boomer Sooner" while Hank does that meltdown yell.

Fall outta my seat laughing whenever I see that episode.
My favorite is when Hank tries to punish Bobby for smoking by smoking a whole carton, then he gets his smoking habit going while showing Bobby how to hold the cigarette. Hank and Peggy get all excited to live the smoking life again, but realize how sad it is when they ask to be seated in the smoking section of a restaurant and everyone is sick and old.

Or the "That's not your purse! I don't know you!" episode.

Or the episode where the drag queen tells Peggy all the places to buy women's clothing and shoes in men's sizes, and she loves being friends with "the woman". Hank realizes her new friend thinks Peggy is a drag queen too because her feet are so big.

Or the BigXII Championship game and Dale bought fake tickets so they sneak in to a Nebraska alum's suite to eat and the Nebraska coach calls the room for a play. Hank gives him a crazy one, quick kick, and Nebrasky ends up winning. The cameras go to the box and show Hank, so the gang has to caravan away from the stadium with the Nebraska fans.

It is a really good show with mostly quality episodes. Any episodes about Peggy's adventures in substitute teaching or mastery of Spanish will be good too.
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I love the smoking episode. The episode where Peggy puts Hank on Testosterone replacement therapy I guess is my favorite. The "order of the straight arrow" about scouting is really good. that may be the very first episode.
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Three of my kids graduated from that high school. My daughter was in their first HS graduating class, around 2006. Was a small rural town back then but had just grown enough to build a HS.

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