Texas Tech's Offense Is Downright Scary



Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
This is not a pro-Mike Leach or anti-Mike Leach thread. Ive watched Texas Tech 4 times on television this year and I have to say this is the most impressive offense I think Ive ever seen. They have one future NFL guy out there (Crabtree) and a bunch of likely Texas/Oklahoma rejects.

Ive heard that Leach's offense is super complex and complicated, Id love to know the inner workings of it.
He mentions in one interview that he actually has very few plays, but he plays them from very different formations to keep the defense off balance.
If you watched the game on tv, you probably saw the one sheet of paper in his hand during the whole game, I imagine those were the plays! ;)
It's the old BYU/Mumme playbook. Leach was the OC at UK in Mumme's early days.
The Colts run 3 wide, one TE, one back on about every play. It's not the same.
Mumme and Leach basically took Lavell Edwards and Norm Chows offense at BYU and twisted it around to their liking, they were very similar offenses.
They did a lot of twisting. Their offenses look nothing a like any more.
Hey Cat,
Do you think he would be a good head coach in the SEC

Sure do. I really was hoping that Barnhart would go after him the last time UK was looking for a HFC. History is proving that he can do it. In Lubbock, no less.
If you watched them 4 times you saw that their O-line and their D-line manhandled the other teams' lines. That's how you win. When your QB has time and your RB has holes to run through, great things happen. When the other team has neither of those, great things happen. They win the battle, and the game, on the line.
Harrell can do whatever he wants back there, and then if their receivers somehow don't find space, either tailback can catch and run.

Crabtree slant for the TD then next touchdown fake the inside move and fade was just cruel... like stealin.

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