Thank you...



Nov 23, 2009
Thank you "Coach Fan". Your theories of the game of football are remarkable. Your strategies would have made coaches such as Vince Lombardi, and Tom Landry lose sleep. You are the reason I am able to get through my day knowing that one day we will be a dynasty all because of you. With your help this program will be put on the map and remembered forever as the school that had a coach who only played 2 quarters of high school football. Those long hours of playing your video games will come in handy as well. You will be the first coach to discover that you can in fact make a player who runs a 4.9 40, and make him run a 4.1. You will create the perfect athlete, and the smartest players known to man. The fact that your dog agrees with your philosophies is comforting. Contine drinking your rock gut whiskey Coach, because you of all people deserve it.
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Thank you "Coach Fan". Your theories of the game of football are remarkable. Your strategies would have made coaches such as Vince Lombardi, and Tom Landry lose sleep. You are the reason I am able to get through my day knowing that one day we will be a dynasty all because of you. With your help this program will be put on the map and remembered forever as the school that had a coach who only played 2 quarters of high school football. Those long hours of playing your video games will come in handy as well. You will be the first coach to discover that you can in fact make a player who runs a 4.9 40, and make him run a 4.1. You will create the perfect athlete, and the smartest players known to man. The fact that your dog agrees with your philosophies is comforting. Contine drinking your rock gut whiskey Coach, because you of all people deserve it.
Did I miss something...
Thank you "Coach Fan". Your theories of the game of football are remarkable. Your strategies would have made coaches such as Vince Lombardi, and Tom Landry lose sleep. You are the reason I am able to get through my day knowing that one day we will be a dynasty all because of you. With your help this program will be put on the map and remembered forever as the school that had a coach who only played 2 quarters of high school football. Those long hours of playing your video games will come in handy as well. You will be the first coach to discover that you can in fact make a player who runs a 4.9 40, and make him run a 4.1. You will create the perfect athlete, and the smartest players known to man. The fact that your dog agrees with your philosophies is comforting. Contine drinking your rock gut whiskey Coach, because you of all people deserve it.

I like it, now your talking my language, a top 15 football team (In recruiting) gets plowed 59-14.

No excuses
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Thank you "Coach Fan". Your theories of the game of football are remarkable. Your strategies would have made coaches such as Vince Lombardi, and Tom Landry lose sleep. You are the reason I am able to get through my day knowing that one day we will be a dynasty all because of you. With your help this program will be put on the map and remembered forever as the school that had a coach who only played 2 quarters of high school football. Those long hours of playing your video games will come in handy as well. You will be the first coach to discover that you can in fact make a player who runs a 4.9 40, and make him run a 4.1. You will create the perfect athlete, and the smartest players known to man. The fact that your dog agrees with your philosophies is comforting. Contine drinking your rock gut whiskey Coach, because you of all people deserve it.

U mad.
Ahhhh we lost fire jones! We needa get gruden. Ahhhh bring back fulmer. Ahhh dooley was better. I think i covered the basics losers can go to bed now
I just hope that none of our future opponents see this site tonight, because no one will want to face us because they will fear us

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