That's racist!

Well, prevailing attitudes about weed have at least partially been driven by race. Literally, a congressman pushing for its ban said something like, "all Mexicans smoke marijuana, and all Mexicans are crazy" on the floor in the capitol.
"Literally.. Something like" soo..... Not literally. Thanks.
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Friends, you better take your flags down.

I haven't read the article but is it actually saying it's bad to fly the flag, or just a signal of right vs. Left? I'll bet that it doesn't say it's bad or racist. It's a weird thing but the flag feels like it's been co-opted by Trump people and I don't want to be confused with them. Quite the dilemma.
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I haven't read the article but is it actually saying it's bad to fly the flag, or just a signal of right vs. Left? I'll bet that it doesn't say it's bad or racist. It's a weird thing but the flag feels like it's been co-opted by Trump people and I don't want to be confused with them. Quite the dilemma.

I read the article in full, twice just to make sure I didn't miss anything. It did not choose a side or make a recommendation and presented the thoughts of people on multiple sides of the issue.

What it did discuss are the contexts in which the flag is displayed. The flag is meant to express the union of multiple different ideas and influences from which our country is made, not beholden to any party or ideology. There are people and groups who have idolized the flag to the point where it is a religious object, and those persons or groups use its pairing with other objects as a way to provide them with sacred importance. I believe that is what we have seen with the Trump flag among his most ardent supporters.

If you want to the flag to stand for us all, let it stand alone or with your state flag slightly lower. Be reverent around it. Use it to unite all, including those people you disagree with; never use it as a weapon or warning to fellow Americans that they are outgrouped.
How does not wanting to see the flag weaponized by a particular political group make one a liberal?

You need to do more looking....and not just discount your unvetted sources.
This is nationalsim vs globalism. Subjugating ones nation for the world narrative.

You think your voice is not heard at the university level, wait until there are additional layers of the onion.
So flying the flag is now considered weaponizing it?

Flying the flag in equal position with another flag, to promote a candidate or position or with a standard promoting a candidate or position, or to act as a warning to fellow Americans in opposition on an issue is contrary to Federal Flag Code.
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Flying the flag in equal position with another flag, to promote a candidate or position or with a standard promoting a candidate or position, or to act as a warning to fellow Americans in opposition on an issue is contrary to Federal Flag Code.

But Tranny flags are ok?
I'm also the guy at church who sends emails to the pastor when someone comes out and lights the altar candles with a Bic before the service instead of using a proper acolyte.
Saying literally and then following it with a paraphrase? No. No, it doesn't. Glad we can find common ground. Lol

No matter how hard you try to deflect, the reality is marijuana prohibition has an ugly racial past. Keep going on about my use of "literally" as if that matters one little bit.

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