Back in the day, we had a cat he loved to catch snakes and he'd bring them to you wanting something because he was so proud of himself. Well one day we left the back door open so the dogs could run in and out. Well here comes the cat flying into the house with a snake in his mouth. In the hysteria of trying to catch him he drops the snake and it gets away. We'll we finally found it, in the house 3 days later when the dog found it and cornered it.It’s woods and water, you learn to deal with it. Doesn’t mean I’m sticking my hand into this little box to hang out tho
When I was in college I worked at The Honors Course. A few times a year, maintenance would catch and cage rattlesnakes and copperheads that were found on the course, take them back up White Oak Mountain, and release them.These city slickers too funny brother
I get a snake in the tractor cab or skid steer about once a year and we just chill