The Complicated Life Of Glory Johnson

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Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
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Another Daily Mail reader I see. Yes, a very messy situation. You have to feel for those kids.
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Another Daily Mail reader I see. Yes, a very messy situation. You have to feel for those kids.

Why? I didn't read where she's a crack addict. My younger sister's father was a monster who would've killed my older sister and me if my Mom hadn't gathered the courage to get us out...was never not proud of her.
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I wish only the best for Glory Johnson. She was a great player at UT and I always rooted for her. Those children are just beautiful and she does seem happy. Hopefully all will be ok.

We all need to keep her in our thoughts and prayers. May she find happiness and be able to give those wonderful twins a good and stable life.
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Glory's relationship with Griner was pretty stupid. They were not together long--married 28 days--and yet she felt a need to have babies. Yikes. Plus, Griner is supposed to be a woman, but now Johnson's with a man. My point is, it's best to get yourself sorted out a bit before making rash, big decisions.
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Glory's relationship with Griner was pretty stupid. They were not together long--married 28 days--and yet she felt a need to have babies. Yikes. Plus, Griner is supposed to be a woman, but now Johnson's with a man. My point is, it's best to get yourself sorted out a bit before making rash, big decisions.

Stupid relationships and rash decisions...hardly ever happens.
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Glory's relationship with Griner was pretty stupid. They were not together long--married 28 days--and yet she felt a need to have babies. Yikes. Plus, Griner is supposed to be a woman, but now Johnson's with a man. My point is, it's best to get yourself sorted out a bit before making rash, big decisions.

I'm sure Glory is not the World's first bi-sexual woman.
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Congrats to her new life and may GOD take favor with her children.
Glory's relationship with Griner was pretty stupid. They were not together long--married 28 days--and yet she felt a need to have babies. Yikes. Plus, Griner is supposed to be a woman, but now Johnson's with a man. My point is, it's best to get yourself sorted out a bit before making rash, big decisions.

Here is all you need to know. A human is neither 100 percent straight or gay. Don't worry about what others do in their relationships, they are hard enough, that you should focus on yours. If Glory dates a man or a woman, it doesn't change what type of person she is, it simple changes for you confused people who need to label
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Here is all you need to know. A human is neither 100 percent straight or gay. Don't worry about what others do in their relationships, they are hard enough, that you should focus on yours. If Glory dates a man or a woman, it doesn't change what type of person she is, it simple changes for you confused people who need to label
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The issue isn't her sexuality. That is nobody's business, and in the year 2016, does anyone even care? The concern (for her children) is how messy, complicated, and public her life has become. Young people have been fed a steady diet of trashy reality television (Jersey Shore, Real Housewives of ____, Real World, Catfish, etc.) where all the participants are fueled with copious amounts of alcohol and encouraged to crank up the drama. So many young adults confuse this behavior with reality and try to copy it. They consider what they see on television as the new norm. I hope as Glory ages she gains wisdom and creates a more peaceful and stable life for herself and her children.
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The issue isn't her sexuality. That is nobody's business, and in the year 2016, does anyone even care? The concern (for her children) is how messy, complicated, and public her life has become. Young people have been fed a steady diet of trashy reality television (Jersey Shore, Real Housewives of ____, Real World, Catfish, etc.) where all the participants are fueled with copious amounts of alcohol and encouraged to crank up the drama. So many young adults confuse this behavior with reality and try to copy it. They consider what they see on television as the new norm. I hope as Glory ages she gains wisdom and creates a more peaceful and stable life for herself and her children.

The average person doesn't even know who she is and definitely won't place who her kids are by the time they reach their formative years. The extent of her reality TV foray has been picking her wedding dress on TLC. Kids will be more than fine. Mama's a provider.
What is a human then -- an androgynous bi-sexual being taking after Hermaphroditus or one of transexual fertility deities of ancient times?

Don't let your little confusion regarding your own sexual orientation define 97-8% of the population who claim to be 100% heterosexual including myself.

This is all you need to know: Genesis 1:27 & 2:24. Go read it. It will enlighten you.

I can't say that I love Jesus
that would be a hollow claim.
He did make some observations
and I'm quoting them today.
"Judge not lest ye be judged."
what a beautiful refrain.
The studio audience disagrees.
Have his lambs all gone astray?

Micheal Stipe, "New Test Leper"
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