The Cotrell vs. UT Case



Senior Member
Jul 8, 2005
The Volunteers’ coaches said that they believed the following players had been paid or influenced, directly or indirectly, by Young: Michael Myers, Kindal Moorehead, Santonio Beard, Kenny Smith, Locke, Fernando Bryant, Means, David Paine, Freddie Milons, Travis Carroll and Steven Harris.

However, the Tennessee coaches had no hard evidence. In addition to recommending numerous possible leads, Fulmer suggested that the NCAA contact Tennessee booster Chuck Cole because he was “up-to-date” on recruiting rumors.”

Among the items Fulmer passed on was the rumor that Smith’s mother, Vicki, was having an affair with Alabama football coach Danny Pearman. The Smith family has since filed a lawsuit in Tennessee.

Fulmer said he heard former Alabama booster Ray Keller arranged the financing of a car for Smith. Keller has since filed a lawsuit.

Former Alabama assistant coach Woody McCorvey described Keller as “a hanger on and a booster who was more talk than money.”

Assistant coach Steve Caldwell, who joined the Tennessee staff before McCorvey in 1995, testified that Young tried to get him on the Alabama staff and offered to supplement his salary.

The Vols coaches also mentioned the names of those they believed were helping Young — Mark Graves, Scott Harrison and Bob McGee.

In a follow-up interview on May 23, 2000, Fulmer told Johanningmeier about information he had received from Culpepper through Cole.

He also forwarded a rumor that Alabama boosters had been “assigned” football players to look after — specifically citing Dr. Ellis Porch and former running back Shaun Alexander.

Meanwhile, Fulmer remains steadfast in his opposition to giving a deposition.

“It’s unbelievable that 11 days from trial, they issue a subpoena,” Fulmer’s attorney Jeff Hagood told The Knoxville News-Sentinel. “They don’t care about the truth. All they care about is harassment and publicity. That’s what this is.”

The memo was dated July 26, 1999 -- more than six months before Means signed. It doesn’t just confirm that the SEC office and the University of Tennessee were “in the know" about Lang (for, if Tennessee didn’t know, how could Washington offer to tape-record his conversations with Lynn Lang.) It proves, beyond any lawyer’s rhetoric, that a “sting," or, in Tommy Gallion’s words, a “conspiracy" was being discussed. That would be frightening even if it was only the SEC and the University of Tennessee involved. Add Seivers’ assurances that the SEC “could have law enforcement authorities prosecute Lang," and it grows downright chilling.

There were other documents. There was an even earlier memo from May of 1998, between Tennessee coach Phil Fulmer and Kramer. It outlined a series of Logan Young’s alleged misdeeds and directed Kramer to various individuals ranging from Duke Clement to Tommy Tuberville who could “help." And why did Fulmer need help? The integrity of the game? Hardly.

“I can’t afford to let another recruiting season go by and they [Alabama] sign two more players from my state," Fulmer tells Kramer in the “For Your Eyes Only" memo.

Again, this wasn’t some he-said, she-said hearsay. This is what Fulmer said directly to Kramer, in document form.


Dont know much on this case, but those are some intresting comments by Fulmer and co.
and your point is.

Bama was cheating and he wasn't going to take it.
..So he did some cheating of his own??

Like i said, i know nothing about this case so ill be the last to criticize anyone, anyone with unbaised details to fill me in, and then maybe i can make an insightful comment.
man its just all coincedences, bama is guilty, ut is squeeky clean. lmao, one of the 2 recruits fulmer was talking about was kindall moorehead, he was obviously paid to play at bama. its really all just one big pissing contest with the green eyed monster leading the way, but the day is coming...............

also....its ok to give money to players as long as he/SHE is not a booster- see ncaa vs. ut
Yes it is ok to give a player money if you're not a booster. In that case, the player's mother worked for a lady as a housekeeper. The housekeeper's son needed $ for a car repair and the employer gave the employee the $ for the repair. It was all reported and investigated. The emploer had no connections to UT. Totally legal. I know you don't want it to be legal, another delusion down the tubes. And based on your posts above, Fulmer was buying players as well. Prove it.

A lady works for my family as a housekeeper. Her son plays basketball at Alabama. He needed a suit for an awards banquet. We bought him a suit, pair of shoes, shirt and tie. Should I report that to the NCAA? Lord knows if I report it to bammer, nothing would become of it.
This coming from fans of the 2 progams that have come closest to the Death Penalty in the SEC.

Bama cheated.
Bama got caught
Bama Booster goes to jail for buying recruits
Bama coaches knew about

Now gator boy you can dredge up any slanted articles you want and pull any lies you like but what I have stated is fact and has been proven by the NCAA and in a court of law.

As for you Bama boy you like your other knuckle draggers need to read the NCAA rule book or shut up
What are you talking about 67? I just posted an article and clearly state I know nothing about this case. Dont put words in my mouth. And im still not sure how theyre slantted articles, they look pretty real to me, but of course, anything that goes against UT is just wrong.

Once again, all I said was I know nothing about this case, dont know how to make it any clearer. Until you can see that, you need to shut up.
If you know nothing then why post articles that obviously were written with a slanted view.

As I said Facts are facts and bama was cheating got caught but people like you and Got 40 (hmmm how many did Bear buy) just want to sling crap.

As for going against UT you are another that don't know what they are talking about and before you run your mouth some more about that which you do not know why don't you do some research or are you just another lazy gator
HAHAHA, o my goodness, nothing funnier then a mad, angry vol. Why post the article? because its got a little bit to do with the UT-Bama case wouldnt ya say?!?!

Tell me how a sling crap. I just posted an article and said i know nothing of this case. Damn man, im sorry, stupid me, shoulda known better.

Please tell me again, how am i running my mouth? is your reading comprehension that bad? I said i know nothing of this case, therefor i wont comment on it

Damn, get a clue before you start calling people out like this, I just simply posted an article, but sorry, ill try not to do it again.
Angry???? where do you get that. Your neither smart enough nor do you know enough to do that. Because no one likes a mud slinger that article was crap and you know it.

no my reading comprehension is just fine. while your your post show more and more like your only purpose is to start something so Fine you started and you remember that.
Your post made no sense at all. All i did was post an article, and you wanna call me confused, lazy, a gator, a person who slings crap, and someone who runs their mouth.

Please, if you dont have anything logical,rational,relevant, or knowledgable, dont say anything.

If you abide by those rules, youll probably say about 5 more words the rest of your life.
Is that so. WEll unlike yourself, I actually post logical things that relate to the topic. So, theres somewhere to start.
Only in Gator logic maybe. Your knowledge of facts is lacking and proven. Your main gist is to start crap which is proven in your post.

Philip Fulmer receives yet another piece of hate mail fraught with misspellings

Tennessee head football coach Philip Fulmer received yet another piece of hate mail today. Like almost all the hate mail Fulmer receives, this one was full of misspellings and typos and syntax errors. It also had an Alabama postmark.
“Alabama fans are still really upset at me,” said Fulmer, who ratted out the Crimson Tide to the NCAA in the offseason. “That’s fine if they have hard feelings, I just wish they’d take a little more time to write their hate mail. I can decipher Sanskrit better than this stuff.”
Fulmer has further angered Alabama fans by having the Tennessee football office return many of the letters to their sender with a note attached saying: “Coach Fulmer regrets to inform you that he couldn’t understand your illiterate ramblings, you retarded inbred.”
But Alabama fans who have received their hate mail back from Fulmer
say he is the one without a proper grasp of the English language. “I used several words with more than two syllables, so that was probably a problem for him,” said Clyde Fisher of Montgomery.

Now you two need to save it for the field.



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Originally posted by Vol67@Jul 24, 2005 2:24 PM
Only in Gator logic maybe. Your knowledge of facts is lacking and proven. Your main gist is to start crap which is proven in your post.

Please prove it too me. Im done with you 67. youre no longer worth my time, oh, im sorry, you never were. It has been proven that you have no sense whatsoever, but you still try to make it seem as though you are right in all you say. Remember, follow my advice, and maybe, just maybe, you get off the unemployment market.

Good luck. :clap:
Originally posted by Vol67@Jul 24, 2005 2:31 PM
This coming from fans of the 2 progams that have come closest to the Death Penalty in the SEC.

Bama cheated.
Bama got caught
Bama Booster goes to jail for buying recruits
Bama coaches knew about

Now gator boy you can dredge up any slanted articles you want and pull any lies you like but what I have stated is fact and has been proven by the NCAA and in a court of law.

As for you Bama boy you like your other knuckle draggers need to read the NCAA rule book or shut up

slanted? those are facts.
booster was convicted, he will never be behind bars
last time i checked ut has been on probation as many times as bama

"All this could have been avoided if the NCAA had merely obeyed its own bylaws, bylaws which require the association to “assist the institution in its effort to achieve full compliance" (Bylaw 2.8.2) and “only present information (to the Committee on Infractions) that can be attributed to individuals who are willing to be identified." (Bylaw "

couple of bylaws wich were completely ignored, ncaa just make their own rules as they go along. they are going to be footing the bill for culpecker, they didnt protect him, but why should they have to since all of his findings shouldnt matter since he WASNT a secret witness right?

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