The Do As I Say, Not As I Do Thread



Bush league poster
Sep 13, 2008
I really enjoy giving politicians hell, especially the hypocrites out there who preach at their constituents to do one thing while they do another. This thread is to highlight such instances.

While I thought about opening with a COVID example, I think this one works better as an opener.

Anti-Gay Politician Resigns After Being Caught At A Twenty-Five Man Hungarian Orgy

A Member of the European Parliament representing Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban's Fidesz party has resigned from his position in Brussels after being caught leaving a 25-man orgy that he attended.

József Szájer resigned as an MEP on Sunday after he admitted breaching Belgium's strict lockdown rules to attend a sex party, Politico reported. Police found 25 naked men at the gathering, including Szájer and a number of diplomats, according to Belgian newspaper La Dernière Heure. A source in the local police told the newspaper: "We interrupted a gang bang."

I really enjoy giving politicians hell, especially the hypocrites out there who preach at their constituents to do one thing while they do another. This thread is to highlight such instances.

While I thought about opening with a COVID example, I think this one works better as an opener.

Anti-Gay Politician Resigns After Being Caught At A Twenty-Five Man Hungarian Orgy

View attachment 327179
Dude's beard gotta look like he was munching glazed donuts after the orgy.
I really enjoy giving politicians hell, especially the hypocrites out there who preach at their constituents to do one thing while they do another. This thread is to highlight such instances.

While I thought about opening with a COVID example, I think this one works better as an opener.

Anti-Gay Politician Resigns After Being Caught At A Twenty-Five Man Hungarian Orgy

View attachment 327179
This story reminds me of years ago when I worked at Denso before I went back to college..... Some of the high up denso leaders got busted at a gay sex field thing.... Apparently..... guys would show up give each other some kind of signal that they were into it and hook up out in the middle of this field.....It cost a few guys their job.

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