The Dugout - General Topics, Chat, Random Photos and Memes.......No Politics

I think for most, it's just a good outlet to vent frustration over something that doesn't matter that much in the grand scheme. It's better to lose your $#!+ over sports and blow off steam that way instead of being a volital a hole about everything else in life although there are a few that are that way. Most diehard fans I know are pretty level headed about things that are truly important in life. I myself try to stick to interjecting humor when the ball game isn't going how I want it to. I know @MAD can identify. 😋
It is those same blow hards that get upset over kids games that go home and murder their family. I don’t trust anyone that is negative as much as those jack wagons and I sincerely hope they don’t have a family or own pets. I would fear for their safety.
If it too bad that you don’t like reading their post you have a feature to use on here that Freak installed … it’s the Ignore button. Once implemented you don’t see any posts from those you put on ignore.
I try not to do that because I really do believe in freedom of speech. But I’ve gotten to a point where I may have to start using it because I know for a fact those keyboard warriors wouldn’t challenge Tony or his players to their face. Nothing but cowards behind a screen if you ask me.
I think I will be removing myself from any other forum or thread (yes even the other baseball threads) and staying in the dugout from now on. Probably won’t even participate in pick em next year I’m so fed up with it. I hate the negativity on this site as a whole. Haven’t been able to enjoy football or basketball threads in forever and now the baseball threads have joined the list. It kind of ruins it for me honestly. This is the only thread I actually enjoy being in.
We are a welcoming group. Albeit a group that can be a$$holes, but we’re the nicest bunch of a$$holes you can hang around with.
I try not to do that because I really do believe in freedom of speech. But I’ve gotten to a point where I may have to start using it because I know for a fact those keyboard warriors wouldn’t challenge Tony or his players to their face. Nothing but cowards behind a screen if you ask me.
I haven’t put anyone on ignore since I joined but it is tempting at times to do so.
We are a welcoming group. Albeit a group that can be a$$holes, but we’re the nicest bunch of a$$holes you can hang around with.
Yeah I can deal with a-holes. I’m one myself so that’s not what bothers me. I just can’t handle the constant complaining about coaches and not being able to give a kid credit for pitching his ass off in the biggest moments of the season. If you want to complain about every little decision then go be a D1 baseball coach/player in the SEC and let me know how it works out for you. I’ll wait for your report back on your failure. Most of them remind me of Corbin, their wife probably is banging another dude(s) because they are fed up with them.
It is those same blow hards that get upset over kids games that go home and murder their family. I don’t trust anyone that is negative as much as those jack wagons and I sincerely hope they don’t have a family or own pets. I would fear for their safety.
The trolls all look like this during the games while they are posting.

So they like mayonnaise in their coffee too? No wonder they are so miserable.
There was a so-called health fad a while back that my wife tried to sell me about some kind of "good butter" in coffee. Don't remember or care about the benefit. Nothing goes in my coffee....nothing. Instant fail with me. Now she's on to coffee with coconut oil for health reasons. Told her I want to die happy not healthy.
There was a so-called health fad a while back that my wife tried to sell me about some kind of "good butter" in coffee. Don't remember or care about the benefit. Nothing goes in my coffee....nothing. Instant fail with me. Now she's on to coffee with coconut oil for health reasons. Told her I want to die happy not healthy.
I’m not much of a coffee drinker but if you have to put a lot of extra stuff in it then I would imagine it must not be good coffee.

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