The FBI is 100% exclusively a political targeting unit of the Dept of Justice.



No sane person wants to live on planet of the apes
Nov 30, 2013
Prominent Democrat, Publicly Critical of Joe Biden Border Policy, Gets a Visit from FBI Jackboots
January 20, 2022 | Sundance | Leave a comment
The political motives behind this FBI effort are, yet again, brutally transparent. The FBI are for Joe Biden what the Russian FSB is for Vladimir Putin. That’s what they are. That’s all they are. That’s what they do.
How many dozens of examples does it take before people realize the FBI are criminal enforcers targeting any voices who rise in opposition to the DC system?
Seriously, when is enough, enough? This should be a bipartisan issue.
Democrat Representative Henry Cuellar represents Texas’ 28th Congressional District, which extends to the U.S.- Mexico border, has been in Congress since 2005. Cuellar has been very public and very critical of how Joe Biden has collapsed the U.S-Mexico border enforcement. Suddenly, Cuellar becomes the target of the FBI.

TEXAS – Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar’s Laredo home and campaign office were the subject of FBI activity Wednesday evening, according to an FBI spokesperson.
“The FBI was present in the vicinity of Windridge Drive and Estate Drive in Laredo conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity,” FBI spokesperson Rosanne Hughes told ABC News. “The FBI cannot provide further comment on an ongoing investigation.”
Local news reports showed members of the FBI’s Evidence Response Team at Cuellar’s campaign office as well. The FBI declined to provide specifics about the investigation. Local news reports say that boxes were seen being taken from the home. (read more)

The FBI is 100% exclusively a political targeting unit of the Dept of Justice.
There was always a soft-Stasi aspect to the FBI from its inception. However, in the modern era, especially after the passage of the Patriot Act and then the weaponization objectives of Barack Obama and Eric Holder, as they took advantage of the opportunities within the Patriot Act, the FBI was modified to be full Stasi against the American people.
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Prominent Democrat, Publicly Critical of Joe Biden Border Policy, Gets a Visit from FBI Jackboots
January 20, 2022 | Sundance | Leave a comment
The political motives behind this FBI effort are, yet again, brutally transparent. The FBI are for Joe Biden what the Russian FSB is for Vladimir Putin. That’s what they are. That’s all they are. That’s what they do.
How many dozens of examples does it take before people realize the FBI are criminal enforcers targeting any voices who rise in opposition to the DC system?
Seriously, when is enough, enough? This should be a bipartisan issue.
Democrat Representative Henry Cuellar represents Texas’ 28th Congressional District, which extends to the U.S.- Mexico border, has been in Congress since 2005. Cuellar has been very public and very critical of how Joe Biden has collapsed the U.S-Mexico border enforcement. Suddenly, Cuellar becomes the target of the FBI.

TEXAS – Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar’s Laredo home and campaign office were the subject of FBI activity Wednesday evening, according to an FBI spokesperson.
“The FBI was present in the vicinity of Windridge Drive and Estate Drive in Laredo conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity,” FBI spokesperson Rosanne Hughes told ABC News. “The FBI cannot provide further comment on an ongoing investigation.”
Local news reports showed members of the FBI’s Evidence Response Team at Cuellar’s campaign office as well. The FBI declined to provide specifics about the investigation. Local news reports say that boxes were seen being taken from the home. (read more)

The FBI is 100% exclusively a political targeting unit of the Dept of Justice.
There was always a soft-Stasi aspect to the FBI from its inception. However, in the modern era, especially after the passage of the Patriot Act and then the weaponization objectives of Barack Obama and Eric Holder, as they took advantage of the opportunities within the Patriot Act, the FBI was modified to be full Stasi against the American people.
At local levels I believe they are good agents. But at the DC level they are just an extension of not just Biden, but the Democrats as a whole.
I don't believe that is true. I believe it has been politicized recently and infiltrated on a smaller level but if half of what you stated above is true it would be time for Americans to take up arms against the government.

Again, for the record, I don't believe it is true.
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